I'm getting OLD!!!! Seriously!!! Did I think I was 27 last nite!??!?!! Good Lord, I'm tired!!! I've felt hungover all day and there was not a drop of alcohol involved in last nite's adventure! Man alive!!
I tell you what tho...I sure did have fun! The gals I went with I met on twitter...and they're HUGE country buffs! So we had a lot in common! The one gal offered to drive, so I jumped on that...3 hours of driving one way doesn't sound like fun to me! And another gal who lives in Marysville is her concert buddy, and she was already going when they asked me...what fun! We met up with another girl and her mom who live in Olympia and decided to stay over in Longview and visit family while they were there. So it was TOTAL fluke that while Amber was sitting in the lobby that she looked up and saw Keith Anderson checking in. She ran over and got a hug and chatted with him briefly...and then immediately called us! So when we arrived in town we went to the venue first to check out its location...and noticed that at 4pm there were already 5 or so people in line!! yikes! Then we went over to the Red Lion and waited in the lobby...totally groupie-ish of us! But we couldn't let such a golden opportunity pass us by! There were only 2 exits out of the place and we had 'em covered!! Finally a half hour later he came down...with some blonde on his arm and the other two songwriters he sang with, Aaron Benward and Brian McComas who all walked on while Keith stopped momentarily to greet us. Now, here's where the "what ifs" come in to play. What if one of us had stood up from our seats...would he have stayed? What if one of us had asked for a hug...would he have stayed? Oh I hate the what if game!! In any case, he paused, smiled, and said thanks for coming, we'll see y'all tonite....and went on his merry way!
I tell you what tho...I sure did have fun! The gals I went with I met on twitter...and they're HUGE country buffs! So we had a lot in common! The one gal offered to drive, so I jumped on that...3 hours of driving one way doesn't sound like fun to me! And another gal who lives in Marysville is her concert buddy, and she was already going when they asked me...what fun! We met up with another girl and her mom who live in Olympia and decided to stay over in Longview and visit family while they were there. So it was TOTAL fluke that while Amber was sitting in the lobby that she looked up and saw Keith Anderson checking in. She ran over and got a hug and chatted with him briefly...and then immediately called us! So when we arrived in town we went to the venue first to check out its location...and noticed that at 4pm there were already 5 or so people in line!! yikes! Then we went over to the Red Lion and waited in the lobby...totally groupie-ish of us! But we couldn't let such a golden opportunity pass us by! There were only 2 exits out of the place and we had 'em covered!! Finally a half hour later he came down...with some blonde on his arm and the other two songwriters he sang with, Aaron Benward and Brian McComas who all walked on while Keith stopped momentarily to greet us. Now, here's where the "what ifs" come in to play. What if one of us had stood up from our seats...would he have stayed? What if one of us had asked for a hug...would he have stayed? Oh I hate the what if game!! In any case, he paused, smiled, and said thanks for coming, we'll see y'all tonite....and went on his merry way!
So we did too! We stopped at Subway to grab dinner for while in line...and headed back to the theater....where we now had 100 people in front of us!!!! what!??!!?! It was only 5:30 and the show started at 7:30! The doors weren't going to be opened til 7...yikes! Well thank goodness we got there when we did!! It was a sold out show and max capacity of 750...so to only have 100 in front of us, we were doing good! In the end, we got 2 seats in the 3rd row and 3 seats in the 4th row...not too shabby!
I've never been to an "unplugged" concert before...and if you haven't...Oh, I highly recommend it!! It was fabulous! Very intimate feeling and not over sensory loading!!! The camaraderie between the guys was hilarious! And they had this "songs from the hat" thing were you write down a song title and if they picked you, they wrote a song from your title...I didn't get picked! lol The concert was 2.5 hours....so unheard of these days!! Especially when the tickets were 15.00! Almost a steal! lol At the end of the concert they did a mass meet n greet...so we stood in line to get pix and autographs.
By this point its almost 11, so we hit up Arby's for some warm food and head back on the highway! Thankfully we had smooth travels both there and back! But it was still 1:20 or so when we got back to the park n ride...and then I had to sit shivering in the car til the windshield defrosted enough for me to drive! And of course, the gas gauge light came on on the way home, so I had to stop and get gas....which meant it was about 2:15 when I got home.
Howie was awake when I came in....I had no clue, and had shut off the front hall light which he was reading by...so when he spoke, I about jumped out of my skin! Sheesh!! We chatted for a few minutes, I blogged, moved DJ back to his own bed, got ready for bed and climbed in. About 5 minutes later I hear DJ awaken and go to Daddy, and I hear them chat a bit, and all of a sudden Howie's bringing him into our bed...what!??! I just moved him!!! He'd pee'd his bed...darnit! So he got Daddy's side for the nite! At this point its 3 am...I'm beyond exhausted...and literally fall asleep mid-thought! Before I know it, it's 7:05 and DJ's awake! He goes out to Howie to snuggle and watch TV...I roll over....20 minutes later DJ comes in to use the bathroom....HUH!?!? He's got his own!!! Urgh!! Top it all off, he pooped, so he needed help! I get him squared away and crawl back into bed...at 8 am my phone rings...its my dad...who can't understand my "I yelled too much at the concert" morning voice...he thought he had the wrong number even! They let me go back to bed and about 9 there was some kind of outside noise that sounded like a jackhammer! By 9:45 I gave up! I got up and got dressed! At this point Howie came in to change his clothes as he was taking the kids to the park!
They left at 10 and it was heavenly quiet! I ate my breakfast...chatted with my parents (they called back) and got dishes going...got laundry going...vacuumed...made serious headway in what I wanted to accomplish today!!!
They came back about 11:30 and wanted lunch! Howie meanwhile got busy pressure washing the stairs and the back deck...WOW what a difference that makes!!! Once we get another dry spell he wants to stain it.
They came back about 11:30 and wanted lunch! Howie meanwhile got busy pressure washing the stairs and the back deck...WOW what a difference that makes!!! Once we get another dry spell he wants to stain it.
Samantha woke up from her nap shortly after 3 and by 4:30 she and I were on the road to town to finish up the grocery shopping. You'd think having only one child would make it easier...no....she was not the easy one to take today! She was very upset that she got taken away from playing with the neighbours and DJ...and punished me for it too! brat!
We got home just after 6 and found Howie struggling to keep DJ awake...he was fevered (101.1) and VERY tired! In fact, in the 5 minutes it took me to make his dinner, he fell asleep! And the old adage came to me "Starve a fever, feed a cold"...so I put his dinner in the fridge. Good thing too, he woke up shortly after 7 and needed to pee...got up from that, turned around, and puked. Blech!!!!! Thankfully it was all in the toilet!! My poor baby heaved everything from his tummy til he was dry heaving. But he waited til he felt okay to get up....at which point it was almost 8! Unbelievable!! We got the kids in bed and then Howie went shortly thereafter...he was a wee bit tired from the lack of sleep last nite.
Now, I'm gonna go snuggle under my snuggie and watch TV...non Olympic TV that is!!!! AND I'm going to bed EARLY tonite!! I am NOT 27!!!!
Til next time...ciao!
P.S. don't forget to enter my giveaway....and head over to Elizabeth's blog and enter there too! :)
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