Monday, October 12, 2009

I HATE packing!!

Howie and I have a deal...if the next time we move I get to hire packers and movers...he gets to hire painters!!! Both of us are not enjoying our added duties!!!!! Altho, if you ask me...I've got the bum end of the deal!!! Packing means opening up drawers and closets you haven't seen or been into in a while...and then going thru every single item in said place to determine whether its valuable enough to be moved or just simply thrown in the garbage....this task is daunting!!! I hate this part of moving! I have piles of garbage and recycle in just about every room! I've given away more stuff than I care to admit hanging on to....asking myself "WHY did I keep that?" UGH!!! Packing sux!!

Sadly, when I do the UNpacking part there will be even MORE that items have been brought to light, does it really have a place in our new home...and if so...where!? I'm losing the we're putting the computer in the kitchen on the that means I'm losing about 4 ft of desk surface area...not to mention the 3 drawers under it...and the 4 ft of shelf area on top where the printer is...that's alot to lose!!!!!! And this is/was the main junk area! Again...UGH!!!!!!! Packing SUX!!! And I'm sure next week I'll be saying UNpacking sux too!!

The kids have been really good with occupying themselves today too while I'm in various rooms with boxes...and DJ even helped (for real) pack up his toys...little does he know that the one box with be "lost" in the move...shhh don't tell him!

While I was rummaging thru the drawers this afternoon sorting all the papers in it deciding on whether to keep or toss I witnessed this very tender moment between my kids.

They were sitting on the floor not 4 ft from me, where the vacuum cleaner is, with all of DJ's tools surrounding them. DJ had the wrench in his left hand and the cord to the vacuum in his right...Samantha had the pliers in both her hands and they were "working" on the cord. Accidentally DJ flung his hand doing something and hit Sam in the head, not hard mind you, more startling than anything. And before I say/do anything DJ dropped everything, said "I'm sorry Sam" and started hugging her and patting her back saying "shhhh" How cute is that!?!?! Then the cuteness continued and he asked her if she was alright and she nodded and they both went back to "working" on the cord. Neither one of them looked up at me the entire time!

As I type this tho....she's screaming her head off and he's running around naked...night and day!!! I wanted to get this typed up before they went to bed as I have no idea when Howie will be home from the new house. He finished the painting tonite! Well, the only thing left is Jake's room, but it's one it can be done after we move in. He's un-taping the living room and DJ's room and then putting the closet back together in DJ's room and putting all the cover plates back on. So he won't be home for the kids' bed time routine...

Speaking of bed time...DJ woke up about 11:30 last nite to pee...and then again just after 1 to poop! He was quite distressed by this occurrence but handled it like a champ! AND went right back to sleep!!! I woke up at some point after Howie had vacated the bed to find him clung to me on my side of the bed...and when I tried to move him he freaked out but went back to sleep. So in the end, a decent nite! And now it's pajama time once again...if anything exciting happens between now and the time I go to bed, I'll add to it...otherwise...

So, it dawned on me...HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my Canadian family and friends!!! I still have to wait 45 days for some turkey...AND I have to cook it!

Til next time...ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww what great kids you have, your story made me tear up!

    Wish I lived closer I don't mind painting! I totally get it about the packing, etc. It is so overwhelming. But once you get there and stuff is put away, it sure feels good! Are you donating some stuff too? That always feels good.

    Good luck, my friend!

    Sarah in VT


Thanks SO much for dropping a line!