Sunday, July 18, 2010

I woke up this morning

To this beautiful picture in my text messages!!!
DJ caught his first salmon and provided an amazing 17lb dinner for my mom's first ever taste of Hughes Caught Fish!  Never has she tasted salmon so good!!

While the boys were playing....the rest of us were Avoning! Oh it was a LONG day of it too!! We had pit stop for mom and dad to go shopping at the Christian Bookstore....and of course a lunch break at Wendy's. But 7 hours in and out of the car was more than enough to call it good!! Sam was with us and her last hour was almost unbearable!! She was so miserable! Poor thing! I ended up sitting in the back with her just to pacify her...worked for the most part. She sure was happy to be home!

After dinner I was bribed into making a run to DQ for another round of blizzards....YUM!!! What a treat indeed!! When they were done the kids were put to bed quite easily as they were BOTH just wiped! As soon as I was done putting Sam down, Howie went straight to bed himself.

Mom, Dad and I stayed up and watched Old Dogs...oh what a hoot that movie was!! My dad was laughing so hard at one point he had tears rolling!! It was hilarious!! HIGHLY recommend it!! Good, clean fun!!

Now, the tv's off....the coffee's ready to brew for tomorrow morning...and I'm yawning up a storm!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

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