Friday, December 17, 2010

Chatty Cathy Samantha

This morning after breakfast we slowly got ourselves ready to head out to do some Avoning...DJ had already gone out the door and was playing with the boys next door...and Samantha was standing there telling the boys what to do (very cute!) and they, of course, weren't listening...especially DJ, which upset her!

The boys suggested DJ stay behind, to which I required parental they obtained that and SamSam and I headed west to do our deliveries. First stop took me to a new client's place of business and it was good to see her again. Then I dropped by one of my rep's houses as I had something for her. Then we went even more west to Everett where I had 3 orders to deliver. Sam wanted to come in for this one, so she does she ever behave when its just her!!! And she delights in the praise I give her for being so good a listening! The biggest of smiles! She found some stuffed toys around the Christmas tree of where we were and was happily playing with everything as I chatted up anyone who wanted to talk to me! Got another new order, which puts me at 5 clients in that one office...not too shabby! Like it when they cluster together like that!!!

About 1 we headed for home...thought I'd have one more delivery, but she never returned my home we went! Miss Samantha is quite the talker! She reminds me of my Grandma...pointing out everything to me as we drive past it and telling me everything she knows about it. And if she saw a santa figure...boy did I REALLY know about "la laws"...still love the way she says that too! She also had me change out dvd's whenever we stopped...and sang along to most of the songs on the Barney one...just precious!!

She fell asleep somewhere on Hwy 2 and there's nothing I could do about it. I did stop at the shed to see if there was pizza for lunch, which there was, and she slept right thru that! She did not however sleep thru DJ's attack when we pulled into the driveway. Once inside I gave her lunch right away and ate something myself...DJ said he'd eaten already and went back outside. And that's where he stayed til almost dinner time. He was "helping" again with the lights next door. He came in and told us "I can't go on the roof, no, no...I'm too little" To which we both agreed with him! lol

About 4:30 I got a text from my g/f Denise who was in Monroe about meeting up...but Howie wasn't home yet and it would have been easier to go alone than to bundle up everyone. She told me to stay put and she'd come out to I invited her to stay for dinner. So, she did! Samantha immediately checked to see if she was friend worthy by asking her to spin her around in the living room...yup, she made a new friend!! Ahh that's my girl! lol

After dinner she took off for home and I took off for the bathroom to bathe the monsters...DJ needed it more than anything...I thought he only got dirty feet in summer...he proved me wrong!! He was filthy! Once clean tho, they were both put to bed. Let the silence commence!! Howie took out the garbage and I took out the knitting....good nite for it! Knit my way thru Big Bang Theory (oh that had me laughing out loud a few times!) and the two Psych shows from the other nite in dvr.

Til next time...God bless!

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