Tuesday, June 9, 2009

He actually WANTED

To go shopping!!!! I about fell over when Howie said he wanted to go shopping today!! At Canadian Tire no less! Such a guy's store!!!!! So we did that this morning and it was a good jaunt out. Got the kids out of the house, and also got the ant traps my parents have been talking about for a while now. Oh, and DJ got some water shoes for the water park...actually, his G'pa bought them, he just doesn't know it yet lol.

The butterflies have multiplied in my abdominal area!!!! Every time I think about what's coming on Thursday a wave of nausea rolls over me...I'm tired of waiting and not knowing!!!! And yet terrified of getting the wrong answer!!!!! They can do that y'know...they have that power over my life! I can't tell you how much that sux!!! It ALL comes down to this one moment in time!!! *SIGH* And there's nothing you or I can do about it either!!! Unless of course someone out there has the inside line with Mr Obama....lol

Got the clothes packed up, and the list made for what we need....you'd think we were going away for a week! Not just one nite! Its incredible all the stuff you need when you've got kids in tow!!
My g/f is all set for the Hughes Invasion tomorrow....hope she knows what she's in for! lol

Other than that, today was a nice quiet day 'round these here parts! Samantha is just smitten with her Daddy again...and sometimes I cease to exist...its kinda nice for a change!!!! I can actually sit in a different room from the kids and enjoy my time! Imagine that! Oh how I long for these kinds of days EVERY day!!! I need my life back!!! I want my own home....my own furniture...my own TV!!! My own bed!!! My own everything that I've worked hard for!! I especially want my husband back full time!!! Even his snoring last nite was like music to fall asleep too....well, for the first 5 mins anyways!! hahaha

Ok...off to bed early we go....ROAD TRIP tomorrow!!!

Til next time...ciao!

P.S...that car accident I spoke of yesterday was in this morning's paper...it happened around 5:30 pm (I drove by it on my way home about 8ish) and it involved a 65 y/o man who flipped his fiberglass 1934 Ford vehicle...he's in serious condition.


  1. Hi - i just had to comment bc we could be writing the same book! I'm Cdn, grew up off of Hwy 6 N (I could've told you the detour and your post from yesterday made my cry - homesick!!), we live in Colorado and hope to have our EB1 visa in the next week or two - good luck Thursday for your interview! I think it was on His Will Wednesday which led me to your blog. We have so much in common - I lived at my folks house last summer too in the same area of Ontario and we're still working through American beaucracy! I hope you don't mind but I'm going to check out the rest of your blog... I'll be praying for you and your family at the interview..

    Many blessings, Heather

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog I'm just now getting around to visiting everyone that stops by my blog. I think I'm caught up on you and your family and what you are going through. I will be praying for you tomorrow as you have your interview. I wish you were moving closer to TN and we could get the kiddos together. I know Julianna would love a playmate her age. Your kiddos are so cute I love the one of your son in the hammack with his sun glasses on, too cute. Stop by my blog any time. I'm trying to get better at posting more than once or twice a week. Right now I've been busy making bows. Which reminds me that I'm sending bows to Canada this week. I have several online friends in Canada that I've met through a forum when my daughter had her cranio surgery. Well now that I've written you a book I will go. You are in my prayers.


Thanks SO much for dropping a line!