I realized last nite that I titled the post and didn't put the conclusion in the post anywhere...oops!! My bad! "If the Laundry Fairy was here....she would have checked the pockets and caught the iPod BEFORE it went into the wash..." is how it should have read...yeah, I found an iPod (Howie's not mine) in the DRYER and pronounced it DOA.
This morning I got to sleep in....really sleep in...as in ALONE!!!! Howie got up around 6 and was in the living room when DJ got up at 6:30. And instead of sending him back to bed or even our bed, he chose to snuggle with him in the chair and watch tv together....awww...til about 2pm when he's SUPER cranky and needs a nap! Sam got up at 7:30 and then the three of them had breakfast! I got woken up at 9 as Howie was getting ready for work! LOVE getting solid sleep!!
Once Howie was on his way to work, I got myself breakfast and worked on the grocery list. We're starting South Beach (hence the decaf coffee) on Monday and it sure is a change in the grocery list! So I had the ads in front of me and the book open to foods that are allowed in the 1st phase to the right and together we created a pretty darn good list!! If I do say so myself!
By 10 am, I had 5 kids in the house...so while they were busy playing, I tried working on emails and whatnot, but they really are loud!!! lol Thank you Lord for giving me only 2 to deal with on a daily basis! The kids sure had fun tho!! Hide n seek...you name it, they played it! And at one point (I think it was Mickey) they all were sitting quietly watching tv. I also got some time to chat with my sister, and promptly kick her butt at a game of Scrabble...we're not done yet and she IS giving me a run for my money!! I guess all those books she's been reading the past few years have done her some good! :D
Around 11:30 the boys went home and I got invited over to see their new paint job...man, does it look fresh in there!! Good thing our paint is only a year old, or I'd be bugging at Howie to do some changes!! lol I'm sure he'll love reading that! We visited and chatted for a half hour before we headed back home...she was in full on party prep mode. Having a PINK party...a ladies game nite and everyone had to wear pink and bring pink food. I did get an invite, but my babysitter was attending the party in her own home...and Howie works late on Fridays...so that ended that!
After lunch (which somehow also included me deep cleaning the shelves in the fridge for some reason) I fully intended to go to Fred Meyer and do the shopping...but the crankies set in on both kids. Easily offended and quick to tears...gotta love that! So I suggested we go for a nap...yeah, that didn't go over so well! So we got ready for heading out....I was loaning my Mad Gab
That meant, I got to shop alone!!! And apparently I dawdle!! I was a half hour longer than I thought I would be! When I don't have the restriction of getting the kids in an hour from Play Land, I walk a little slower. It was nice! Should be happening again tomorrow too!! Imagine that! lol I got home about 6 and unloaded right away...the kids walked home and I got dinner started. I was going to bathe the kids, but dinner got started a bit late, so we skipped that and opted to watch tv together. Then came the bed time fight! They were both so tired...Sam couldn't stop rubbing her eyes and DJ was mellow! As DJ and I were chatting he heard Howie pull up, so roped him into reading a book before he could unload his work bag. He didn't mind a bit!
I made Howie something to eat while he changed and then made myself a cup of tea...got some decaf (I don't like caffeine to begin with) Vanilla Chai tea that sounded SOOO good!!! Then we settled in and watched Working Class and had a laugh. Howie went to bed then and I watched a Hallmark movie. Only this one didn't make me cry!! It did make me go "awwww" lol Ah yes, Valentine's day is approaching!!
Til next time...God bless!
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