Saturday, April 25, 2009

I just reading Mum...

Like it's the Sunday paper of the New York Times!!! And that sucker's a biggie too! What am I referring to? The Walmart flyer of course!!!! HAHAHA He has discovered fliers, or more importantly, the Toys 'R Us and Walmart know, with all the toys on them in big bold beautiful colours!!! He keeps it on the table where he sits so he can peruse it while eating. And I swear, every time he sits down to it, it's like it's the first time he's ever seen it!!! He gets SO excited to see all those toys and playgrounds....has yet to ask for one, thank goodness, but he just loves "reading" about them!!! Pointing out all the neat features as he goes along.

Today was a HUGE reminder of Ontario weather!!!...and how much of a Seattle-ite I am! After non-nap time (just DJ) we went to Walmart, as I'm still in search of new but cheap bras...and as luck would have it, they had some GREAT ones in my size!! And of course while I'm in there and the kids are content, might as well pick up whatever else I need. Oh, forgot to mention, that when we went into Wally world, it was 86 degrees according to the truck's therm...and beautiful sunshine! In fact, I had the a/c on in the truck!!!!!!! A mere hour later, and I'm in the check out line, chatting with the cashier and an old friend from long ago (two different people) and BOOM there the thunder. I look over at the doors and there's hordes of people waiting to leave the store as it's raining THAT hard out!!! YIKES!

So we head off to the door and follow suit....DJ is freaking EXCITED about it all!!! Yes, he is a weird kid!! But what would you rather who's terrified of them, or one who loves them?? Think about As we're standing there (did I forget to mention our jackets, all with hoods, are in the truck...??) we wait, and wait, and he's jumping up and down and drawing attention to himself, which is okay, but the black eye thing isn't so pretty....and then he gets It subsides a bit, and I took off running...DJ thought it was great! He's the only one! Got home and again waited for it to subside a bit before heading into the house! The truck's temp also said it was 67...almost 20 degree drop!!

We're now currently in T-storm number 5 of the day....they just keep rolling in!!! The best part about a kid who likes them....he sleeps thru you didn't think of that part did ya?!!? oh yeah! I'm good! LOL

I leave you with this pic of SamSam on the slide from yesterday....she just loves it!!! Awwwwww

Til next time...ciao!

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