And he's outta here!!!!!!
DJ has now fallen prey to the virus we're hosting this poor little guy!!! At least he knows to run to the toilet....and makes it!! He didn't eat much lunch today, which, looking back, should have been a clue.
Then he fell asleep on the couch at which point I woke his butt up with the promise of a blue Popsicle....when I got it out of the wrapper he started whining....and he didn't get the Popsicle after all.
He slept while we ate dinner, which was probably for the best! He kept saying he was thirsty and so we gave him a sippy of water...he couldn't keep it down. So he asked for juice...uhhhh no!
Samantha finally had and AWESOME going to bed nite....she hardly nursed tho....won't give up the afternoon nap boob, but I think she's done with bed time...she just wanted to lay her head on my chest and rock...which is kool! 2 years of nursing is good in my books!
This morning it was rather nice out, so the kids and I took a walk to hand out Avon brochures....mostly just leave them on the door as people aren't home during the day. We did have one lady home and it scared the crap out of DJ who was trying to hang it on her door handle...he dropped it and ran! I laughed!
Samantha also learned that "little" dogs aren't so little when they don't want to be! We had this little thing jumping and nipping at us for 3 houses! She wanted "uppy" then! lol Other than that she did REALLY good holding my hand and walking.
Tonite, once the kids were settled (after DJ asked me to turn the TV down...) we watched American Idol (I miss you too Fifi!) and I have to say there is some solid talent there!!! More so this week than last for some reason. My bottom two pick...Lacey and Andrew with Andrew going home....just my .02
Now, I've got the last of 4 batches of caramel corn (for you Dad!) in the oven...figured I'd get it done tonite as by my calculations, I should start throwing up sometime tomorrow nite....aren't I lucky?? Moms shouldn't be allowed to get sick!
Til next time...ciao!
I really like Crystal (shes from real close to home too!!!) and Siobhan. The boys arent doing it for me at all this year. Katie is a cutie, but too young yet. Didi is too wussy for me. I think one of these weeks I am going to stay up late & watch idol on one of my western stations so I can watch it with you!!!