Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I do NOT like

Waking up with a headache!! Right behind my left eye....just pounding away!

Howie got home just as I was getting up...so he got me some Advil and I went on...hoping the pain would dispel SOON!

It didn't!

This morning we were going to a new story time (to us) at the Snohomish library...about a half hour from here. I'd heard he's really awesome and he plays guitar for all his songs.

He IS really good!!!!! I just wish my kids were!!!

The door to the OUTSIDE was propped open with a garbage pail...and a see thru screen was dropped down....not nearly enough to keep Samantha away! She was my most belligerent child today!! DJ was sitting nicely, listening, watching and then he'd get sidetracked by Sam off doing something she shouldn't! OY! It was a challenge!

After that we came home and had lunch....head still pounding....I got Sam down for her nap, and DJ and I watched TV...his first time watching Spongebob Squarepants...and he fell asleep! Thank you Lord!! Howie got up about 2:10 and I went and crawled into bed.... All the while thinking to myself, "I can't sleep past 3...no, 3:30....I have to make the sauce for dinner..."

Next thing I knew, it was 4:15!!!!!!! GAH!!!! I was floored I slept so long!! Must've needed it tho! My headache wasn't gone tho...in fact, I turned the light on in the bathroom and thought I was blinded!!! Took some more Advil and got about the business of making dinner. Howie went and took a nap, opting to eat when he got up instead of with us...which was fine as we were going to another story time...Pajama Story time! This time we took Kristopher with us...like we did last time...the kids had fun! Each boy got a new book checked out...about frogs....and they both made a "book" about the cycle of frogs...it was fun!

We got home and Howie was up and ready to help with the bedtime chaos! Then he got ready for work and left....and I got down to colouring my hair. Oh, and the headache was gone!! Finally!

So, now I'm blonde again...and going to sit and knit! And just so I don't get yelled at...check out this amazing deal that Tightwad Mama mentioned on her blog!!!!

Til next time...ciao!


  1. Story time! Oh yay! G loves story time... our library needs to hire a new coordinator for it SOON!

    I'm sorry I "got ya" with my post yesterday; I promise, had I actually been preggo, I would have told you in one of our emails!

    Confessions From A Working Mom

  2. sounds more like a migraine than a headache!

    as far as over-the-counter medications, before i developed other conditions and just had regular migraines, sometimes it helped to take Excedrin Tension Headache. although i didn't have tension headaches, it just basically is a combination of Tylenol & Caffeine. regular Excedrin as aspirin & i can't have that, but for some it helps. anyway, just sharing what helped for me.


Thanks SO much for dropping a line!