Wednesday, June 5, 2024

HOW is this even possible!?!?!?!

This week is a CAHRAZY week!!! There's so much going on I need an itinerary!!! Friday, the 7th, DJ turns 18 and has his last day of high school...granted, today is technically his last day, the next two days are just grad rehearsals. Saturday, he graduates from Cedar Park Christian School!!! Sunday is our grad/birthday party for him. How did we get here so fast?!?!?! I swear I just dropped him off at kindergarten last fall! 

I thought I was more prepared for this, and I'm scrambling! I thought I was more organized, and I realize I'm more scattered than ever! It'll come together tho! I have faith! 

What are his plans? I get asked this a lot, and up until last week, even HE didn't know what his plans were! There was talk of just getting full-time employment. There was talk of joining the Marines. There was talk of him going to trade school (the same one his dad went to) and talk of him becoming an apprentice to be an electrician. In the end, the decision is all his! He finally applied to Lake Washington Tech, and we just found out last week that he was accepted!!! So now we know what his plans are! He chose Diesel Mechanic, and he's excited!! It's nice to see your kid excited about something! 

Ok, I gotta jet and keep looking for those photos I swear I had more organized than this! 

Til next time...God bless!

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