Today is the last day of my dirty thirties!! Meaning, not only do I have a birthday, but a decade change too! Forty sounds SO old!!!!!
I don't look it (in my opinion)
I don't feel like it!!
Therefore I don't want it!!
If forty is the 'new thirty', why can't I start telling people that?!? My Nanny lied about her age right up til she was 98!! Wasn't til we found her birth certificate after moving her to a home that we learned the truth!!! Makes me like her even more!! So at what age did she adopt the lie?? What birthday did she struggle with?!?
Truth be told, I haven't hit my 'middle age' yet either! When your grandmothers live to 100 and 92, that makes 48 my really I'm still young!!! Besides, I could sleep til noon like a teenager any day!!! Isn't forty when you start napping?!? Ok, that does sound appealing!!
Forty scares me health wise too! So often I hear that things start not working after forty....and currently I have no complaints...well, other than my toe I'm sure I sprained yesterday when I stubbed it running up the stairs carrying twenty pounds of meat! See, I can't be forty!!! Ugh!!
For now, I'm gonna enjoy the last day of my thirties by going to the Fair with the kids and acting out my young-at-heart tendencies! May even do the roller coaster with DJ!!!
It just can't be true!!
I am loving my forties! Hope you are too. :-) And how about Survivor this year? Can you believe that guy? Hilarious!!