Monday, June 27, 2011

They have returned!!!!

This morning while the kids and I went to church, Howie went to the airport to get my returning parents! FINALLY!!!!! And it was a gorgeous sunny day to boot!! DJ did okay in church, except that I forgot to put "his" gum in my purse for him and he was buggy about that til he fell asleep sitting on my lap. A whopping 20 minutes is all he slept for...better than nothing! And I hear he was up at he was due! Sam did great in her class, and when I went to retrieve her, she was on the potty, so I finished her up and we left.  I called Howie just as we got stopped for a train, and he tried to fake me out by saying there was a 2 hour delay....almost had me too til my mom said "hi honey" ha ha ha...turns out they were closer to home than I thought they'd be. So we waited out the train....just as I saw the end of the train in front of us, another was going in the opposite direction and just as long!!! Double trains!! The kids thought it was great!!

We stopped to get my free chai tea and then finally on the road to was then that I realized I'd left my purse hanging in Sam's class blond moment! Good thing its locked in a church tho!! I called Howie to see if he was close to the church, and turns out he was 3 cars behind me (well, not literally, but within a mile!) and so that wasn't happening. In the end, we ended up behind them as I'd stopped off a get well card to my nail tech who had surgery on Thursday.

We all had lunch together, then naps happened for the older set, and playing happened for the younger set and I just wandered. Neither in a playing mood or a napping mood! About 4 DJ came in to ask if he could go with the neighbours to church tonite, and I said no since it was g'ma and poppa's first day back and they wanted to have a nice dinner with's fave, teriyaki! He didn't like my answer and protested and slammed some doors, but headed back outside.  10 minutes later he comes in asking me to wash his feet, just as I'm getting a call from Lara asking if he'd gotten permission....first time caught in a lie....NOT good! So I told her thank you, but no, he wouldn't be going with them....and sent DJ to his room. Wanna talk drama??? Geez!

So much so that he woke Howie up, and when asked what happened, he didn't tell Howie the WHOLE story, so when I explained it to him, he got it. I called DJ out and we discussed what he'd done wrong and I grounded him for the rest of the day. At which point, he saw Jessica walking down to the swing park and asked to go...grounded means NO fun! So instead, Sam and I took the dogs to the park and threw the ball around for them and she swung a whole bunch! Yes, torture, but definitely a lesson!!

We got back and I called in dinner.....only to realize while the phone was ringing that they aren't open on Sundays! Darnit! So we talked about what to do and ended up going to Red Robin (Yum!) for dinner. It was delicious!!!! AND they  now have sweet potato fries!! Awesome! After dinner we came home and put the kids to bed. Since it was a time adjustment for mom and dad, we all just relaxed and watched some AGT.....of which I saw very little T!! There were a few  moments, but far more non-moments! Then we started watching the last Oprah show, I'd taped it for mom since she had to work that day and doesn't have dvr. A few minutes into it, Dad's asleep! So off they went to bed and I watched Drop Dead Diva and the Protector! I can hear my pillows now tho...

Til next time...God bless!

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