Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Grand Slam Baby!!!!

First off...I want to apologize for not informing you, my readers, but mostly my neighbours, about the amazing FREE Grand Slam breakfast Denny's was doing today! I saw the ad on TV during the Superbowl...plus, I follow Tightwad Mama and get insider info that way too!

So, this morning, the plan was to get up and go for breakfast with another mom from the Mommy & Me group...I was late and she was early! But we did see each other!

I have to say...I'm quite proud of my kids! With it just being me, I was a little nervous taking them both to a restaurant by myself. But they did me proud! We had maybe a 15 minute wait when we arrived...not too terrible! A nice older couple gave us their seats (I tried to resist their kindness, being that they're seniors...) and Sam enjoyed playing peek a boo around other people's legs....good thing she's so cute!

Breakfast was served with in minutes of sitting....literally! They had an assembly line of cooks making the Grand Slams....scrambled eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 2 sausages and 2 pancakes....love it! DJ ate a pancake, his sausage and his and Sam's bacon...Sam ate all her egg, half a pancake and her sausage...I couldn't eat all mine either! I should have just done the one plate between them...hindsight!

Once out of there, shortly after 10 we headed home as today was order day for Avon...my biggest order yet!!!! Hustling is paying off! :)

The rest of the day was a blur....Snickers is already looking better, but sleeping more and drinking more water...expected tho.

DJ got to play for whoknowshowlong outside...and loved every minute of it! I discovered today that we get sunlight the rest of our area doesn't! I was blown away by how foggy it was down the mountain...very depressing!! We had glorious sunshine pouring in the living room window bright and early! I like it!

I went to my Avon meeting tonite...got lost....very annoying! The roads are so confusing in this one area and I seem to mess it up every time! I also got to see my FIL's girlfriend and deliver her Avon to her with a short visit! And after my meeting got to see SIL and BIL as well as the exwife...busy bee I am!

Now, I'm home and really want to sit and relax!!

Til next time...ciao!

1 comment:

  1. This is the second straight year I've missed out on that promotion at Denny's... but like you, I feel badly that I didn't mention it on my blog for the folks who DID have the time to get out and enjoy a free meal!

    Confessions From A Working Mom


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