The newest member of the Hughes Crew has finally arrived!!!
Aspen Louise made a grand entrance on October 7th, at 10:48 pm, after a grueling 40-hour labour for poor Katie! We'd been "in the know" since Friday and knew that labour had started around 7 am. The key was consistency and waiting til they lasted longer and came faster. Saturday morning dawned, and no messages or phone calls. We tried to go on with our Saturday plans, running Samantha to dance, Howie fixing the drawer fronts in our kitchen, picking Samantha up from dance, and running to Kirkland to find her earbud she lost somehow on Friday. That was quite the ordeal, actually, as it said it was located on the side of an on-ramp...which it didn't guide me to all that well, and we were parked in the little triangle that separates the freeway from the no avail, unfortunately. But we did learn you can buy one earbud at a time...
I digress...we made dinner, and just as we were finishing up, we got word to head to the hospital!!! This was about 7 ish. At this point, it was just Howie, Samantha, and me, as DJ had gone to a pumpkin patch with some friends. We were asked to pick up some food for Katie for after the baby, as we all know you can't eat while in labour. Then, we went to the wrong hospital! OOPS! Made it to the right hospital, and since only 4 people could go up at a time to wait, Sam and I waited in the main lobby. At just before 9 pm, Howie, his sister, and her husband came down as we weren't going to meet her that night. Visiting hours are done at 10 pm. So, we headed home to wait for the news.
That news came just after 1 am with a picture and her stats! Oh, my, she's beautiful!!! Sunday morning, it was all we could do to wait for the green light to go visit her!!! Miss Aspen weighed in at 8 lbs, with some very long legs bringing her to 21" long, and oh, she's SOOOOO cute!!!! She's definitely favouring the Hughes side! We visited for 2 hours, and all took turns holding her. I quite enjoyed watching Jake change her poopy bum too! These early ones are a breeze!!!
We're heading over there tonight and bringing dinner for us. Oh, as for my grandma name (she's got three of us), I was toying with MiMa (MIssy and grandMA combined) and Gran...just cuz it's easier and MiMa is getting pronounced as Mee-maw, which is not the case! Who knew it would be so tough! To be honest tho, if she calls me DumDum, I'm gonna answer!