Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Nose have it!

Today was very sensual...or should I say scentual!! Yeah, that's better!! lol

Of course there's the smell of Miss Samantha's efforts to rid her body of youknowwhat! Most unpleasant!! But to counteract that we had bath time!! LOVE their mango tangerine shampoo!! SO yummy!!!

Fast forward to Howie coming home and the dishwasher running!! Love that lemony smell to the Cascade!! And Howie ruined it by rinsing his soaked in brine trout!! Blech! Rather a metallic scent! Washing out that container was a holdmybreath adventure!! lol

Dinner was DElish!! I just love. BBQ'd pork chops!! Oh yeah!! And Howie cooks them to perfection!!!

While dinner was being cooked so a batch of cinnamon raisin granola...with maple syrup instead of honey! Real maple syrup too!! Oh the smell of that slowly baking in the oven had my mouth watering!! Still has my mouth watering!!

While the granola was baking, Howie was smoking the trout he and Jake caught this past weekend! Which is wonderful!! But that smoke isn't! *cough* and whenever the slider door got opened it wafted in quickly!!

Now the granola is cooled, and the trout is still smoking away...I'm on the nite shift! Already changed out the wood chips once and have to do it before bed! Its quite chilly outside! brrrrrrrrrr In fact the whole week has been cold!! Its like our weather is behind! We're getting April's showers tnow, at the end of the month in hopes of May's flowers!! I just want to see my garden do its thing!! This weekend we're supposed to get 1 day of sunshine...can't wait!

I'm off to enjoy a bowl of granola and watch tv!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Top 3 Thursday

I guess I've missed joining in the blog hops more than I thought I would!! And Elizabeth does great ones!!

If you could be a character in any movie, not the actor or actress but the character, who would it be and which movie?

Hmmmm this is tough!! There's SO many movies.....really tough!!!

First I'd have to say Leigh Anne Tuohy from the movie The Blind Side...portrayed by Sandra Bullock. That character had grit!! She had balls!!! Such a strong female role for anyone to learn from! Definitely a modern woman! I wish I could be as forceful as she is...I can do it on the phone when they can't see me...but in person, I tend to freeze up!

Second would be, Julie Powell from the movie Julie & Julia....she had spunk!! Took on the world of French cooking in one year!!! Based on a true story really gives it grit too! Same goes for the one above, true stories are much more fascinating to watch! And its a bit about blogging, which as you know, is something dear to me. It was just a fun movie and she was a fun character who also showed her human side!

Thirdly would be Fiona from Shrek.....gotta love that character!! She's got her head on straight and doesn't take crap from anyone! Even Shrek!! She also makes raising 3 kids look SOOOO easy!! LOL

There ya have it!!! if you want to join, click on Elizabeth's name above and it'll take you to her blog where you can link in!! It's fun!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

I guess there's still a lot to learn

Today I had my first Skype call. The kids and I were sitting on the couch talking and playing around when all of a sudden it sounded like there were birds chirping in the house. I muted Tinkerbell to make sure it wasn't the wasn't! It was my Aunt calling me on Skype. I hit talk as she hit I called her back....and hung up on her when I couldn't figure out how to type to her. You see, I don't have a she couldn't see me, but I could see her just fine! She called back and this time typed something...which is how I found out how to type to her! So we had a one sided conversation......her talking, me typing! Good thing I type relatively fast. It seems we also don't have a mic for this computer!!! I'm telling you, summer can't come quick enough so we can get a new one! With all the bells and whistles!

This morning was a good one!! I've been peeking in on the kids in the mornings while they have their music playing and whatnot. As soon as DJ hears SamSam wake up, he asks to go in her room...yesterday they were both in the crib dancing to Barney....this morning (after asking DJ to NOT go in the crib) they were singing to each other along with Barney. Oh it was cute!

We could have gone in for Story time at the library, but I chose not to...Laundry Part Deux was to happen today!! So far, so good...I still have to get the load out of the dryer and put the last load in the wash! And then tomorrow it's towel day!!! Never ending I tell ya!

Around 11 I noticed Lara online so chatted with her for a bit to see if K could come over to play. They had plans but maybe later. Part of her plan she shared with me...going to my local fave coffee stand just down the hill. Today they were giving away 16 oz drinks FREE!!! Anything but Red awesome!!! They even do a lot of non-caffeine drinks for kids...milkshakes, smoothies, frozen hot chocolate and Italian sodas. I made a lunch, and then head to town for a treat and come back! That's when it hit me I had Avon to deliver too! Perfect!!

Everything went smooth as silk too! The kids were beyond thrilled with their strawberry smoothies too!! Me...I got an iced chai tea...YUM!!!! They seriously have THE best chai I've ever had! Scrumpdillyumptious! (say that 5 times fast!) While DJ was drinking his, he burped and said to me "Mum, my mouth just farted" and laughed! whattakid!!!

We were back home shortly after 2 and in time for Sam to settle and take a nap! She's hardly fighting it these days! At nite she gets a little louder, but it lasts 5 minutes now! SUCH a difference! While she was napping, Kristopher came over and DJ was ecstatic!!! Off they went downstairs to play! Once Sam got up, she joined the boys and kept wafting back upstairs to check on me! Cuteness!

After dinner I took the kids downstairs with me while I worked out on the treadmill...I'm now up to 4.0 mph when jogging...which I can't do for long...oh it takes a lot out of me!! A LOT! and today I did 1.32 miles in 25 mins! Not too shabby! After the kids were in bed, I grabbed a much needed shower and then Howie and I sat down to watch the results of AI. Can I just say, I'm tickled pink that Siobhan is GONE!!!!! I was very worried it would be Casey...and when it was just him and Siobhan, it intensified!!! Whew! Dodged a bullet!!

Now, I'm headed to bed to read...just got an email from the library tonite that one of the books I wanted on gardening is at the library waiting for me! YES!!!!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

P.S...if anyone knows how to make Skype work on my BlackBerry, please share!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Let's Make a Deal!!!

If you remember that're just as old as I am....29!!!!! hee hee hee

Today was a mixture of weather...when we got up it was a bit chilly, but the sun was trying to shine thru the clouds...and the next time I looked out it was pouring rain....a little while later the sun is so bright and I had high hopes of it drying up....yet, upon the next view its raining again, that light misty off and on all day!! And nite too for that matter!! I had a clear view of the most perfect full moon tonite...then I'd look back at it on a commercial break and nothing...the cloud cover was way too thick...and then just as Howie was going to bed it peeked out again and I ran to get him knowing how fickle the weather is we were both in awe!!! With our view we're more eye to eye with the moon than anything, which I have to say, is kinda cool!!!!

Today I declared it to be laundry day!!! I got more than half of it done! but not all of it....sorry honey! The kids have all clean clothes tho!

Here's where the deal comes in...Howie had asked me to rinse off the fish for smoking last nite, and the today asked me to make caramel corn for we made a deal, he'd do the fish and I'd do the popcorn IF he left my pears alone!! He stole my perfectly ripened, I've been waiting a week to eat it pear! How dare he right?!??! He dared! Just a couple weeks ago he stole my caramel chocolate eggs I got on the Easter sale...I'd had 6 out of the bag...and then 3 days later I wanted a nibble and the bag was GONE!!!! Gone I tell you! Took me a while to figure it out too!! But I nabbed the chocolate thief!!! tsk tsk Howie!!! (love you!)

Once SamSam was down napping DJ anxiously wanted me to call to see if Kristopher was home, so we did! And he was! And he DID want to come over to play downstairs! Perfect timing too as I was working on the popcorn. Once Sam got up she joined the boys! About 5 K wanted to go home, so DJ, being the "smart" boy figured out how to unlock the child lock on the door, did so. When I came down the stairs I saw what I thought were stickers on the shoe cubby thingy, turns out it was blood. I checked DJ's feet first since he was the one stepping on the shoe thingy. Sure enough he's bleeding from the heel of his left foot. So I told him to crawl up to the kitchen and wait for me while I said good bye to K. That's when the crying started! He was fine til I found the source of blood!

He lay on the kitchen floor like he was in labour!! I asked him to lay on his tummy and wait while I gathered supplies to clean him up and bandage him. As soon as I started cleaning the real theatrics started!!! It wasn't that bad a cut, mostly surface and in no time I had it clean...ok, I lied...with a wiggle worm who's screaming and crying it took some time!! Once I got him bandaged up, he was fine!! He went and laid down on the couch and we propped his foot up.

After a few minutes Sam grabbed the roll of medical tape and laid down on the floor just like DJ, in the exact same spot as DJ...and started fake crying. I was laughing hysterically!!! THAT was too funny! So I put a strip of tape on her foot and she started limping just like DJ!

When Howie got home everyone showed off their injuries. I'm still laughing as I type this out!!!! After a yummy cinnamon waffle dinner I bathed the kids. DJ was concerned it would hurt to take his bandage off, I assured him it wouldn't and yanked it off...he was fine with that! After his bath I determined to leave it open to dry out and heal up.

How did he manage to cut it? On a piece of glass from some broken shot glasses he broke a couple weeks ago...there was one piece over by Jake's door that I missed....he found it!

So...AI was's getting SUPER hard to pick now!! My head/heart say Siobhan NEEDS to go home...I'm done with all her dramatic crap! But, of course, the judges were struck stupid and LOVED it! I don't think Shania even liked it! So I'll be surprised if it IS her...but she's my first pick! I have to day, Lee is growing on me more and more!! He did awesome tonite!! So did Casey!!!! So, that leaves Mike, Aaron and Crystal....I'll call Mike....just a shot in the dark! We'll see!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Monday, April 26, 2010

This time last nite

I was sound asleep! Literally!! I was so beyond exhausted and yawning like crazy that when Brothers & Sisters was over, I picked up my stuff and headed to bed!!! Never had another thought after reading for roughly 5 minutes!

What a great sleep too!!!!!! Tonite my goal is 38 minutes to go! lol

DJ on the other up bright and early!!! I think it was 7:15 or thereabouts! He was content to snuggle me for a bit and then head out to watch tv! Sam didn't move til about 8:30 and then all 3 of us snuggled for a bit! I love those morning snuggles!!! We talk about what we want to do for the day!

Today's plan was to go on a Pet Store tour with the Mommy & Me group....the plan was to be in the truck for 10...yeah, more like 10:07....those minutes would definitely make us late!! But we went anyway! Along the path down our mountain we got hung up behind three horse trailers at turned right soon after we joined the convoy. Each horse trailer had a truck following behind that's 4 slow moving vehicles.......................unreal! It normally takes me 10 minutes to get down to the it took 23!! At which point it was far too late to try and get to Snohomish for the pet store tour!

I turned into the Albertsons plaza and stopped at the Dollar Store to exchange some stuff and pick up new garbage bags and dryer sheets! Instead we got garbage bags, new sunglasses for DJ, a windmill for SamSam, freezer pops, snaky things for Howie's lunch and a pasta salad kit. Yeah, forgot the dryer sheets and they were kind of important.... lol

After our shopping we headed out to a park....since we were in town and all! I was going to go to Tye Lake Park, but decided to check out the park that I'd seen mentioned in the Mommy & Me online forum! It was super easy to find and there were no kids there. (should have been my first clue!) so we unload and run in! It was not a toddler/pre-school kind of park! It was all climbing swings, no slides, no slides! (clue 2) but we persisted and played on! They had this fake tire swing thing that had no the 3 of us could swing at one time!! I liked that! And DJ enjoyed giving ME a push!

As we're trying things out at the park, these two dudes that don't look friendly were walking along the guy came in the park and peed in the fountain...the DRINKING fountain!!! Sick!!!! (clue 3) and then as they were walking past my truck they both look inside my windows to see if its worth breaking into (FINAL STRAW!) and then kept on walking!

You guessed it! We left!!!! That was the straw that broke the camel's back! We'll not be going back there again!!! Nope nope nope!

Once SamSam was down for the count I went outside! DJ was already out there and had enjoyed his picked-up-off-the-ground lunch on the neighbour's back porch. He came running for me as soon as I was out there! My goal was to get the garden started! Mission accomplished! Feels good too!!! While the 3 of us (Kristopher was with us too!) walked to check the mailbox I had a great thought hit me! Since there was no mail I acted on the thought right away! I grabbed two 5 gallon buckets and gave one to each boy...and told them for every pine cone they picked up, I'd give them a penny! Oooooooooooooh they liked that!!! I only had them do it for 10 minutes as they would lose interest quickly! Good thing it was only that long too!! Worked like a charm tho! DJ collected 138 of them and Kristopher got 141 of them! They both liked seeing the money for the work! And who knows, maybe the other 1000 of them will get done quicker! :D

Howie went to bed after watching DWTS with me...I really think Pamela is next to go...and Niecy is really growing on me! She did FANTASTIC tonite!! Reallly improved! Since there wasn't anything 'new' on tonite, its all re-runs! grrrrr I watched last nite Amazing Race and was surprised they did a non elim nite!

Now, I'm ready for bed and I have 18 mins to spare..not bad, not bad!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Don't mess with me!!

Today started far too early for my liking....6:38 am!! But it was fun! We were all up and dressed before 7 am!! Our plan was to be out of the house by 7:15...yeah, we rocked it! In the truck drivong by 7:08!!

Where were we off too??

A kids fishing derby!!! Here, in Monroe! So of course we went! Only DJ was fishing, Samantha might get to fish next year!

Since this was our first year participating, we learned!! GO EARLY!! The derby started at, no, no...the sign ups start at 8!! And if you're thru, then you're free to fish! The limit is 2 fish, and if you want more (daily limit is 5) then you can get back in line!

The line: 2 hrs long!! I kid you not!! Insane!! If I was running the joint I'd be doing it way more effectively!!

Samantha and I didn't stand in the 2 hour line....we sat off to the side people watching and playing the "how far can I get before mum tells me to stop" game! She found out...not too far really!

There was so much camo...all colours...on men, women and their children!! Young and old! There was even one guy who had 3 different colours of camo...deer season, duck season, and elk, he had all the bases covered!

DJ finally got to fish about 10:15 at which point I got to pee off the chai tea and breakfast shake!! I was dying to go!! DJ wanted to fish by bobber, so they tried that...but there were SO many people it wasn't working out! So Howie took the bobber off and within 10 mins he caught both fish! YES!!! After catching them, we went to weigh them and total weight was 1 lb 8 oz....not a whole lot!! The fish he caught yesterday were much bigger! And none of these today were winning fish! Some of them are tagged and you win stuff...not us!

I will say...watching a fish gasp for air is sad! Yes, I know its a fish, but it was still sad!! Samantha dodnt like it ine bit either! Everytime it flopped around looking for water, she'd scream and back further away from it....made me laugh! Sure got her in my arms quick!

Once we came home we all did an 11:30 lunch! And then I left for my deliveries! Lots of them!! I left about 12:30 and got home at 6:15!!

Now, part of my time....almost an hour all told, was spent at Walmart (where else!?!?) trying to return a ceiling fan we boutght back in either Oct or Nov. I went to the one I bought it at and they point blank refused to refund it or exchnage it without a I bought it more than 90 days ago...AND they no longer carry it!

I was so pissed off I just left!! And drove across town to the other Walmart (where else?!?!) and stood in their return line for a half hour waiting for my turn! Got up to the counter and fudged the date problem! She needed my I.D. and off we went! As soon as I got the gift card I immediately went to the ceiling fan aisle and got a new one!

Don't mess with me Walmart!!!

I'm so incredibly exhausted, but Desperate Housewives is on now...

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

If you want a clean house...

Have unexpected company for dinner!! That'll get your tail in action!!! Seriously! I'm so grateful my husband knows his way around a vacuum too!

This morning, well, barely morning, Howie woke DJ up for his first ever fishing trip!! It was Opening Weekend for trout fishing and there's a spot Howie's been going to for YEARS!! And this year, DJ was his co-captain!! They both have been looking forward to it all week!

I have to say, waking in bed alone was amazing!! Even more amazing was the 7 uninterrupted hours of sleep!! SEVEN!!!! SO refreshing!

I called Howie right away to see how they were doing and got call I left a message! Howie called back two mins later to give me the update...they were done fishing and on their way home!! I was shocked!!! He said DJ stayed awake from 3:30 am....the WHOLE time! We figured he'd go back to sleep on the way up to the lake...but nope! He was far too excited!!

Howie took the camera and took great photos!! The expression on DJ's face was SO awesome when he caught his first fish!! Pure excitement!! And the proud Daddy face was just as awesome!

While the boys were fishing, SamSam and I were going to deliver Avon...that all changed when Howie told me our friend Rick was coming to dinner!! Nothing like company coming I make you clean your house!!!

As soon as they got home it seems, DJ was outside playing with Kristopher...not sire where he got the energy from!! Once Howie ate he went to bed with the promise of helping clean! I did the kitchen while he w napping so that it would be clear for the gutting of the fish....blech! He cleaned ALL the fish...15 of them! Our 10 were going in brine for smoking and Rick was taking his home with him. I've never had smoked trout before....

Of course when Howie got up from his nap, Samantha had just gone down minutes no vacuuming was getting done. He worked on cleaning up the boat and I worked on toilets...which then morphed into bathtubs and vanities!!

Plus making a cake for dessert, and baking potatoes for twice baked potatoes which were SO yummy!!! The kids were eating when Rick and his lady friend arrived which was perfect! They went downstairs to play while we ate! Once I was done eating tho he became my cling on! My boy was literally walking around 3/4's asleep!! He crashed SO hard when put to bed...not even 5 mins later I went to tuck him in and he was gone!! Sound asleep while Samantha screamed her pretty head off!! We're back to just closing the door and she's out within minutes instead of hours!

Once they were tucked in we adults played cards!! Such fun when you win secretly!!!! I snuck up behind everyone!! I even had more points than anyone!!! YAY me!!!

Now I'm laying on the couch easing a cramp on my right side while thumbing this on my phone!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I am at a loss for words

For a title I mean...I've always got lots and LOTS of words!! Just ask Howie!! Or my parents!!! :D

Today wasn't anything out of the ordinary! More laundry to do...more dishes to do....more meals to make....more, more, more! But these humdrum days are good for the soul too!

DJ was out of the house before 10:30...and having FUN!!! He was nekkid after breakfast when he heard a knock at the was hard to keep him upstairs out of the way in case it was somebody we didn't know knocking! Turns out it was Kristopher and DJ was jumping for joy and running to his room to get clothes!!! Fastest dresser in the west today!! I think we're finally at the point too where the only thing I have to help him with now is zippers on pants...he does it all by himself! AWESOME!!!!!! And even tho she really has no clue, she just wants to be like him and tries to dress herself too!

Samantha enjoyed her brother free time...and helped me unpack my Avon boxes and mete them out into individual orders! Ok...she tried! She thought it was fun...and once I sprayed some grapefruit body spray on her she went and danced in the living room enjoying the smell of herself!

Lunch had an that Kristopher joined us and the boys ate outside! Sam wasn't too happy with me when she had to eat inside, but was placated by the mac-n-cheese she had for lunch! The boys took off after they were done and that left me and Sam for her to take a nap! Little bit of fussing before I left the room...but once I closed the door she cried for all of 5 seconds.

During nap time I enjoyed the quiet!!! And then decided to work out on the treadmill instead of taking a nap!! Glad I did too! I totally enjoyed watching the boys out the window while listening to the iPod and walking nowhere! Once I was done, Sam was just barely awake! Perfect timing! As soon as she got up she started saying her version of the word sounds like Nlay....totally odd! But we know what she's saying. So I got her dressed up to go out just as Howie was coming in! He soon joined us and got right to working on the boat! He's taking it out tomorrow with DJ for opening day of trout fishing. I'm not sure who's more excited!!! Honestly!

Once the kids were in bed I coloured my hair and took a shower...both of which were much needed! lol Samantha was being an absolute pill during bed time that I just closed the door on here! Oh she hated that!!! But when I came out from my shower she was silent!! So, about 15 minutes of crying instead of over an hour...done!!! No more door open for her!! Sheesh!

Now, I'm all caught up on my DVR and painted my toes and fingers...I'm ready for summer! Ok, that's pushing it...I'm at least ready to deliver Avon tomorrow!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

Friday! Friday! Friday! Friday!!!

My kids have a tendency to repeat what they're saying until someone acknowledges them!! So I thought I would too!!!

Today's Fun Fact is brought to you by the NHL!! While I've been grumbling about these playoffs....It dawned on me why I dislike them so much this year as I've never had a problem with them before....Actually, a couple of reasons!

#1 is that I much prefer watching hockey the thick of it all...with all the screaming fans...this on tv stuff is just annoying with the announcers calling every single play and person! Tedious and non-stop! Golf doesn't annoy me this way...hahaha

#2 the fact that there are SERIES of games instead of just for the beginning of the play offs, they play best of 5 games!! Why not cut that down to 3!?!?!?! And then make the championship ones at 5 instead of 7!!!! This would dramatically cut down how much I want to hurt my hubby!!!! (kidding hon!) I know, they'd lose money...but come on!!!!

Sidenote...I can't watch baseball (MLB kind) in person unless we're behind home plate or at least near 1st or 3rd base....sitting way high up in the nosebleed section and I can't watch...its too far away and then there's a pop fly I simply can not follow it and figure out where its going!!! Just odd!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Apparently all those worms

DID move to lower ground!!! Today when Howie got home from work he got changed and unpacked his bag and came back out to go worm hunting with DJ! Who was positively THRILLED to be doing so....even tho I'm pretty sure he'd never seen a worm before much less touch one!

We dug and dug and dug!!! Finally we found 2....moved to the back of the house and found two more...then to the front of the house and found the motherlode!!!! 4 more in front of the cement step and then 5 more over by the fence of our driveway. Even baker's dozen!!! Much to my surprise, DJ touched the worms!!!!! The first one he touched was followed by "EW!" and from that point on, he just touched them and wiped his hand on his pants! We even had the neighbour boys helping find them!!

This night time crap that Samantha is putting us all thru has GOT to stop!!!! Last nite she cried for a half hour...but its SO loud it keeps DJ's been an hour already! No end in sight either!!

Its messing with DJ so much that he inadvertently took a nap this afternoon for an hour!! Which was awesome, cuz I got a power nap and was able to work out on the treadmill by myself!!! Just me and the iPod!!! Nice!!! I was so shaky after it was like both my legs became noodles! By the time I was done, they were both just waking up!!! In order to wake them up fully I said we'd go outside...well, both of them were on board with that!!! I wasn't sure how much I'd get done outside as I was literally exhausted! But I did manage to get the tomatoes planted and the garlic planted!!!! Its officially started! I can now call myself a gardener!!! This weekend I want to get the cooler weather loving stuff in the ground! Howie helped me in the midst of worm hunting by bringing 4 wheel barrow fulls of soil from the back to the garden. The back soil is less rocky and will cover up the rocky earth that is the garden already! Then I'll mix in the top soil when I plant on Sunday. SOOO excited!!! This is not like knitting tho...I have to keep reminding myself of that...I won't get results right away!

Now that Howie's in bed I'm off to watch what the DVR recorded for me!! Love that thing!!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!


I haven't done one of these in a long while!!!! But Elizabeth over at Confessions From A Working Mom does one on Thursdays and today's compelled me to join!!

Where are your Top 3 favorite places to shop?

#3 would be Walmart (where else!?!?) and the reason its now number 3 instead of 1 is that I'm so far away from one now!!!! But dang, you can get just about everything there!!!! And if its got the tire center, you can get an oil change while shopping!!!! Easy!!! I'd really like to find one that has the produce too...but the nearest one to me is about 45 mins away in Marysville.

#2 would be Fred Meyer...while their prices aren't as cheap as Walmart (where else!??!) they are local to me AND they have Playland!!!! Just remember to wipe the kids down when ya leave so as to avoid germs and whatnot. Seems to be working for me so far! The other thing I like is the Rewards Program!! I've been a Rewards member for YEARS, but they had the wrong address! So when we moved I wanted to update the address...which is how I know they had a completely different address in the first we've never lived at! Since we were just about at the end of the "cycle" for the points, the gal I spoke with rolled them into the next one that was coming out....I got a rebate check for 16.00 plus 4 or 5 other coupons for stuff I actually buy there! It was awesome!!

#1 is....Drumroll please!!!

Avon!!!! You had to know I'd pick that one!!!!! Y'know, since I'm a rep and all! But seriously, I'm finding more and more about that I like with each campaign!! I have a tonne of Avon products in my house that unless I told you, you'd never know! My entire make up bag has finally been replaced with all Avon products!!! Not to mention, their skin care lines!!! I'm just in love with my face and how it feels these days!! Plus, I've not had one pimple in over 2 months now! Not even that PMS one that just has to show up...nope, not even!! I figure by the end of summer all the scars from the old ones will have finally faded!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Its offically offical!!!!!

My sweet, loving, darling, cute and wonderful daughter has struck the Terrible Twos with a vengeance!!!! I'm about ready to shave my head bald in hopes of someday growing it back out! Y'know, so I don't have to yank it out!

Last nite was beyond miserable!!! She woke up at 1 am...I tried laying her down, rocking her in the rocking chair, rocking her out in the living room, sippy cup, book, different name it...I tried it!!! Its times like these I wish I was still nursing her so I could have at least shut her up!!! She literally cried (save for the times she was in my arms) for 2 hours!!! That's right...she cried til 3:04 am!! She woke Howie up sorta....he heard her and told me she was crying...he was ignorant to time and at that point it had been 45 minutes. She woke DJ up...he had to pee so we went to the bathroom whispering...but her door was open and she was standing in the one corner that has visibility...then he came to me 7 minutes later to ask for music...then he got up again cuz he wanted blankets on him after specifically telling me he didn't want any on when I tucked him in the last time....Finally he went back to sleep!!!!

Eventually I had to do some "tough love" on SamSam...closed her door, and let her cry it out!! All the while I'm laying on the floor with a snuggie waiting for her to stop crying! I jolted shortly after she up and went to bed...hence I know it was 3:04!! I'm beyond exhausted!! Even DJ didn't wake up til well after 8!

Our plan for the day was to go do Story time at the library....then finish the shopping at Albertsons and then get DJ's fishing "license" which is really just a catch record. At his age they're free and just for purposes of knowing who caught what. He was SO excited to go do this trip! It was while giving the information that DJ asked me "Mum, where's Sam??" WHAT!?!??!?! Sure enough she was no where to be seen!! I started calling out for her and no response...then realized we were close to play land and went to check...sure enough she was standing at the dwarf door looking in. OY!!! She was in my arms for the rest of it!

As soon as I handed DJ is "license" he is beaming!!!! And says "My very own fishing license. Thanks Mum!!!" and this younger man in the returns line was watching the whole thing just mesmerized!!! It was funny!!!

Now the license is in the bowl with Daddy's, or so he thinks...Daddy's is still out in his car. But they'll be united soon enough! Both boys are just tickled pink to be going together!!!! I'll admit, I'm quite nervous about the water aspect...I don't want him getting fully we...ifyouknowwhatImean!

SOOOOOOOOO glad Tim's gone in AI!!!! Positively thrilled!!! Now, it's going to get tougher and tougher to pick who's crashing and burning!!! I will predict that Aaron's next....we'll see!

I got a book today at the library...a REAL book!!! Its an autobiography of Trace Adkins...and I plan on reading it at nite instead of my mag...and move the mag to my morning's hoping its a fast read too!! I have 3 gardening books on hold at the library and the gal helping me said I might get one as early as next week!!! WOOT!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where do I begin??

First of all.....Miss Samantha slept the whole night...once I got the dog out of there, shut off the night light, left the door open a bit....y'know. I did the get door closed before I went to bed, and neither of us heard a peep! And she woke up normal time...'round 8:30! Perfect!!!!

After breakfast we headed out to do the shopping....ugh! Now that I'm not literally 5 mins from Costco, its such a chore! No matter how few things I have on the list, (today's list said it would be 65.00) I still end up over spending! (how's 119!?!?!?!) and getting things that sound really good, or something we haven't had in a while! Or, the prices go up!!! The price of butter is RIDICULOUS!!!! Don't even get me started!

I think all 3 of us were looking forward to Freddy's tho!!! And I think all 3 of us were excited for the same reason.......PLAYLAND!!!! lol Once I got them settled I took off with my cart! First stop...the garden section!! I picked out 15 packets of seeds for the garden and 3 bags of fertilizer...I fear I may need more....but some of my stuff doesn't need/get planted for a few more I'm good to get started this weekend! I'm SO excited!!

Since were so late getting out of Freddy's I decided to stop at McD's for the kids so that Sam could have her nap right as soon as we got I'm pulling out of the drive-thru I see Kristopher pressing his head up against the fence of the play area...DJ saw it too! So instead of just driving home, we stopped in to eat lunch and let the kids play! Neither of my 2 objected!!! As if!

Once we were in the driveway parked and I was unloading, Sam starting making sleepy I quickly got DJ out of there, unloaded, and hauled everything in before checking on her praying she was sleeping...NO GO! She was wide awake playing with her newly bare feet! Grrrrrrrr

Needless to say, she got no nap! Which made her extremely clingy before dinner...and she was full on yawning during her bath. She even told me she was tired.

Speaking of kids telling me (and us) something....DJ's been on this costume kick for a week now...first its a fireman...then a doctor...then a monkey....the Buzz Light year...then get the picture? Well, this afternoon on our way into the Fred Meyer parking lot he says to me (verbatim as I asked him 3 times to repeat it!) "Mum, I need a kick ass costume."

I kid you not!! I was so ready to bust out laughing, and very thankful we weren't in public when he said it! Neither of us say "kick ass" in reference to anything! Ever!! So we have NO clue where he picked up on it!

Then during dinner Howie was talking about someone and called that person a "dumb ass" and DJ instantly pipes up and says "Who's a dumb ass Dad?" I turned my head this time and silently busted out laughing!!! All the while Howie is trying to process this...even after I told him about the kickass comment! I guess he really DOES listen to us!! Just not when we're telling him to do something!! Go figure!

Once the kids were in bed, (Sam had no night light, and the door propped 3 inches) thank you Lord they both fell asleep instantly!!! Such wonderful bliss compared to the past couple of nites!! I'm getting off track...sorry! We watched AI which Howie paused as soon as it came on while I was bathing the kids! I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope Tim goes home tomorrow!! Really and truly! If he doesn't, I'll be SHOCKED!!

And after a friend broke the news on FB about who got kicked off DWTS, I didn't watch it, but I'm really glad Kate and all her drama is GONE!!!!!!!! I'm sure Tony Dovoloni is too!! You could tell by his facial expressions and comments he was done!

Now, I'm off to bed and after watching Glee tonite (absofreakinlutely AWESOME!!!) I'm sure I'll be singing Madonna songs in my dreams!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

All's FINALLY quiet at our house!

Last nite was not a stand alone nite as Samantha struggled tonite too! But last nite didn't just stop at 11:15....she woke up at 4...Howie was on the couch sleeping due to his sinus crap and he heard he...went in rocked her put her in bed...she cried again...rocked her and put her in bed...HAD to start getting ready for work so he left her door open (she now requests this!) and came in our room to get ready...leaving our door open! I hear her...I have to thinking her door is closed I go out in the hall...she sees me!! I pee and the grab her to bring her into our room. It then took her a good hour to REALLY and truly fall back to sleep. She'd reach out for my face every few minutes, say my name, I'd answer (after being shocked awake by her) and she'd sigh and pretend to sleep....

Next thing I know, DJ's awake and its 7:15! Guess who wakes up at 7:19....uh huh...SamSam! They both went out to the living room to watch tv....its been a L O N G day today!! If it wasn't for the cat nap on the couch this aft, I'd probably be standing up sleeping somewhere right now!

She did hit her "wall" early, which was fine as we'd had an early lunch...and she went to sleep just fine for nap. I'm starting to think she doesn't like her night tomorrow we won't have it on. Tonite we did the cry it out method and she cried for an hour before she finally conked! Literally an hour and a half later she woke up screaming! Since the boys were sleeping I went in to calm her. Rocked her and shut off her night light. Left the door open 2 inches per her request and came back out to the living room. I tip toed down the hall about 15 mins later to close the door, and Snickers was laying just inside her door...quietly called her out and went to shut the door...NOOOOOOOO she screamed! I told her to close her eyes and go to sleep...and I left the door open 2 inches again. Only this time I took Snickers with me! 15 mins later I went to close it and not a peep! YES!!!!!

Not so fast...she called out an hour later...again! Only this time I didn't go in and she cried once and has since been sleeping! All her shenanigans woke DJ up tho...he said he was thirsty I made pee before filling the tank again!

Now, everyone's quiet and I'm SO very thankful!! It wasn't pleasant to watch DWTS with a screaming child in the background...but we managed!! I really liked tonite as it looked fun!! Hard, but fun!!! Niecy cracked me up!!! Or rather Bruno's exuberance afterwards!! LOL
I really, really, REALLY hope Kate goes home...she's such a downer and CAN'T dance!!!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Its now my reality!!!!

I'm having a garden this year!!! A real, bonafide, true vegetable garden!!!! Oh I'm SO excited!!! I thought back (WAY back) to the days when my mom had a garden at the first house I Sunderland...and it was in the back 40...literally!! And she made us wear browns and greens and yellows together...hahaha! But seriously...this is where I learned to HATE zucchini...I can handle zucchini bread...but NOT zucchini!!! I'd even pick it out of a fancy schmancy meal in some high brow restaurant too!! That's how much I dislike it!

No, my garden will have peas, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, green beans, yams, butternut squash, rutabaga, tomatoes and sunflowers! I hope...I may not have the room needed for all that. While I remember my mom's garden I don't know specifics! And living in the PNW might change that list a bit! But I'm hopeful!!! Oh, I think I HAVE to have a pumpkin in there somewhere!

Today we did the beginning stages....weeding and de-grassing the area we're having the garden in...and de-rocking...seems there was the same amount of each thing too! Dang! The area we picked out is on the south side of the house where it gets the most sun...and its about 12 ft by 6 ft! THAT was hard work I tell ya!!! I'm hurting now, but sure I'm gonna hurt more tomorrow!!!!

I also got 4 loads of laundry done (not yet folded...) and a load of dishes....and yummy breakfasts and lunches and dinners done! You better believe I had a shower too!!!!! Howie did WAY more than me! He did the weed whacking thing, the mowing thing and then the pruning thing!!! We're finding more and more raspberries bushes!!! This excites me to NO end!

The kids had a blast outside too for most of the day!!! So much so, that I think Miss Samantha was a little over stimulated from it all! She fought nap time all the while yawning and rubbing her eyes...and tonite was THE worst nite with her since infancy! Put her to bed normally and she screamed bloody murder that Daddy didn't kiss her good nite....he'd gone down the mtn to the red box to drop off last nite's when he got home, he went in to her and she freaked out wanting me. Ugh! About 9:45 I went and got her and rocked her to sleep...put her in her crib and before I could sit back down, she was hollering! Went and got her again about 10:30 as she hadn't stopped crying out my name and rocked her to sleep again! Put her in her bed at 11 and she was crying before I could close the door!!! So I went in and stood at her bedside and told her to close her eyes, which she'll do on command, and ever so s l o w l y I'd step closer to the door...caught her opening her eyes twice and she closed 'em back up when I told her to. I was ALMOST out the door when the damn cat meowed so loudly it scared even me! And woke her up! UGH!!!! Went in and repeated previous pattern, this time with the door closed! And as I was closing the door she piped up and said "Oyen" her version of I left the door open 3 inches and left. Haven't heard a peep from her in a half hour! 11:15 is ridiculous!!! I sure hope she sleeps in tomorrow! She needs it!

The movie, by the way, was AWESOME!!!!! So much so, that Howie sat down and watched it with me! And he laughed just as much as me! Sam Elliot is in it and he says that's the reason he sat down to watch it....suuuuuure honey!!!! I don't care who it was, it was nice to watch a comedy with my husband!! Doesn't happen often...usually there's gore and war and blood everywhere....

Now that I'm done watching the ACMs and pleased as punch about who won what...its time for bed!!! One day, I WILL go to Vegas during ACM week just to experience it all!! What a dream that would be!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Top 3 Reasons To Keep An OLD Phone Book

#1 To piss your mother is after all since I was 16!!!!

#2 To piss your hubby off as its been in a tote for the last 10 years!!

#3 To find it again and go thru it and then find them on Facebook!!!!!!!!!!

I've had SO much fun going thru this address book and 3 yearbooks finding people! So much in fact, that my butt is numb!!!! We'll see in the coming days if they remember

This morning after getting 7+ hours of glorious sleep I got woken up by Howie opening the door and saying "You getting up??" Why is that men don't understand how to nicely wake someone? Gently shaking them, or even just touching her shoulder and gently saying, "Honey, it's time to get up!" HA! Not my brute! Although if he's reading this, I hope it takes it to heart! Nothing like a rude awakening...from sleep!

Once up I got myself ready for the most part and had breakfast...the kids were just finishing and Howie didn't want anything. After I was done drinking my shake, I got DJ and SamSam dressed...DJ and I had a date!! Lowes has these Builder Workshops for kids every two weeks...and today's was making a See It Grow Flower Box! Just a small 4 inch wide one...but still, he got to hammer the nails in and see the finished product! How kool is that!?!?! We were done in about 20 minutes it was that easy! He got a Lowes apron, and a completion badge and then we went and picked out a flower for him to plant in it! AWESOME!! He was so proud of it!!!

After we got done there we skipped over to Freddy's to get chocolate milk as we're "off" on our shopping schedule and their milk sale specials! I also got a movie...Did You Hear About The Morgans? I'll let ya know how it is...gonna watch it after I blog!

We had one last stop at the post office and then headed home! Just in time for lunch really! Since Howie was home for lunch, but not for dinner (at work tonite) we did BBQ burgers and dogs! Yummmmm in the middle of the day!!!

Howie left around 1:30. SamSam went down for her nap at 2 and then DJ and I hung out til he got a knock on the door from Kristopher! He bounded outta the house like a cannon!! Happy to be outside and happy to be playing with K!

About 3:30 Samantha woke up as she'd done an extra big we got her changed and cleaned up and re-dressed after I took the sheets off. She saw DJ outside, but it was raining a bit...soon enough he, Kristopher and Caleb came over to play which point Sam was VERY happy!! While they were down there, I decided to keep an eye on the kids and dig for papers...go thru files and files of papers..hence the address book! :)

About 5:30 the boys' older sister Michaela came to get them and took DJ too while I made supper...perfect!!! Easier to make dinner with only one kid bugging at you for a sippy cup!! Once the pizza was cooked I called over and asked for DJ to be sent home...and the 3 of us enjoyed the Hawaiian pizza!!

Once the kids were in bed, I went searching on much fun!!! I can't find more than half of the peeps I want to, but I think I found at least 10 if not more! The girls...I sure wish I could remember their maiden names......*sigh*

Now, I'm off to watch the movie I mentioned earlier....

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Friday, April 16, 2010

You would think

That the worms I displaced yesterday would have passed the word along to the rest of the worm population....they didn't!! Yeah...I was at the working in the yard thing again today!! My muscles are really feeling it too!! I started on the front side of the house where I want my garden to be....I only got about 10 feet of the side of the house weed free!! Good heavens its gonna take forever!! Thankfully, there's rain in the forecast for I can just workout on the treadmill! Whew!

This morning was an earlier than normal for a Friday wake up...Howie had a couple stops to make before heading to worked out well actually....we were finally going to get to connect with the Mommy & Me group as it's potluck Friday for the month. We got there a little late, but that just meant the kids dove right into the toys! They had SO much fun!!! After playing we did stories and songs and then let them loose on the food!! While they were busy playing after lunch, I snuck out to get some new books for them....SO much better to do it without them! And quicker!!!! I'm not kidding! lol

OHHHHH I also got to hold a rather new baby girl named Maggie while her mom dealt with her 2 year old brother who was tantruming! It was so nice!!!! Samantha was ALL over me trying to get at the baby...I swear she grew extra arms too!! The best her back!!!! AWESOME!!!

We left shortly after 1 so Samantha wouldn't fall asleep in the truck!! Success!!!! And when we got home Kristopher was outside playing so he immediately joined K! Perfect atmosphere to put Sam to sleep! She fought me for a few minutes and cried two cries when I covered her up and she was OUT!!!! About 3:45 she woke we headed outside to play/work!

She absolutely LOVES the I put her on it and pushed her gently all the while she's yelling at me HIGHER HIGHER! Yeah...not happening! About 5 mins into swinging (this is NOT a baby swing by the way) she forgot she was supposed to hold on to the chain and let both hands go....and back she went to the ground!!! When I picked her up...she was mad at ME!!!! I was trying to hold back the laughter!! Don't tell her that! I get her all calmed down and brushed off and she wanted back I told her to go on her tummy. While she was doing that, I went and jumped on the trampoline with the boys...for all of 3 jumps as Sam was freaking out on the swing. It had stopped and she was just hanging out on her tummy on the swing...her feet couldn't touch. So I got her off and told her she could help me dig rocks. She liked that!

About an hour later I noticed she'd wandered back over to the tree swing and was swinging away on her tummy! Good thing babies have such short memories! She gets that from her dad!! hee hee

After dinner I bathed the dirty monsters kids and the water was brown when DJ was done!! Unreal!!! They both went to bed without so much as a fuss!!! And Howie was 10 minutes or less from home!! I got his dinner ready and it was perfect timing really! SamSam must've heard Snickers bark when Howie pulled when Howie got his bag unpacked he went in to see her...she was calling out for him! She is SUCH a Daddy's girl!!

Once Howie was done we watched the stuff we DVR'd on Monday nite...good to delete sometimes!! But now, I have nothing to watch...hence the somewhat early blog

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Fun Fact Friday

I know...I'm little slow today!! And yes, Friday is half over...sorry!

I'll be brief...promise!

Last nite I mentioned shaving mah legs....and wanted to share a neat little fun fact I learned about 5 or 6 years ago...

I use conditioner to shave with instead of shaving cream....I haven't bought shaving cream for myself in a LONG time!!!! I used to use the Veet stuff....which worked for me as I don't have a lot of hair. But the conditioner totally erases the red rash after and the burning sensation! Try it!!!

If this isn't new news to you....sorry! If it time, shave using conditioner! Your legs will thank you!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

I think I seriously pissed off

A LOT of worms today! HAHAHA They didn't know what hit 'em!!!! Apparently, neither does my body! I did have an odd thought tho..."Did the worms think an earthquake hit?" I was moving their homes around like I was a real estate mogul!!!! (I'm killin myself here!!!)

Seriously tho....I was outside today for 2 and a half hours digging in the dirt...ridding it of weeds and removing rocks! Man, we've got a TONNE of rocks just in the front yard!!! Some of them are just driveway size and others are under-the-stairs size, and even still, some are retaining wall size...and those buggers are HEAVY!!!! I definitely got a work out in today just doing that! And hopefully beautifying our property! Howie's right...its SO good to do these things when its YOURS your working on!! :D

This morning the kids were doing fact, we didn't even have the tv on upstairs....they had it on downstairs and kept travelling! Until I heard something break....something that sounded like glass (Sorry honey, if you're reading this now as I haven't told you, not sure why not either...) So I go down there to find out what they're doing and find SamSam climbing down off the desk...and 3 shot glasses in pieces on the floor. I lift her off the chair and send her upstairs....and then send DJ after moving him just so around the glass. Thankfully its carpet down there and they didn't shatter everywhere...but there IS concrete under that carpet! So, I clean it up and toss it in the recycle bin. Then I see they've been playing in one of my "memory" totes...stuff from age 8 up! So I go thru it and took a MASSIVE walk down Memory Lane!! All the while wishing I had a scanner to put some of these ridiculously hilarious photos up on FB!!!! Seriously, I have proof that I really was an 80's girl!!! Hair and all!!!!! hee hee hee

Once Sam went down for her nap, I tried working on the computer to do Avon stuff and it kept annoying me by I gave up!! And that's when DJ and I headed outside. Him wanting to help and me wanting to work! Not too long after we started Kristopher came running over!! DJ was thrilled, needless to say! Then I had both of them helping...which Kristopher's idea of helping is staying clean...and keeping his shovel clean! Perfect! hahaha

Well, until I moved over to the side of the house to go rock hunting...then he got downright dirty! Sorry Lara! As it worked out, I had Kristopher, and DJ was over playing in K's yard...and Sam was right in there too! She kept going back and forth between us...she also found the scissors in my garden kit...which I removed 2x from her! Sneaky little girl! Hence her name being Grabby Gabby....and sometimes she's Crabby Grabby Gabby! No lying! DJ's nickname is Freddy Fast Fingers!!!

After dinner I grabbed a bath/ IS time to start shavin the hairy monsters again since I'm wearing capris and all! Thank you Dad for my European genes that allow very little hair growth!!! Or is it Mom's MUTT genes?? Either way, thank you!! I know girls who have to shave every day...every 2 weeks is plenty enough!!!!! Jealous ladies??? hahaha

Once the kids were in bed, Howie, still watching hockey since the moment he got home, said I could have the remote! So I changed it to Flash Forward just to change it and then got started on making banana bread for the pot luck tomorrow for the Mommy & Me group. Not too long after, it got switched back to hockey! *eye roll*

After Howie was in bed I switched it to watch Grey's....rerun!!!!! Ugh!!! Which also meant that Private Practice was too! Double UGH! So I watched Survivor (STUPID move J.T.!!!!!!!!!) and then found the Accidentally On Purpose I missed the other nite and watched that laughing my butt off!! I love Jenna Elfman! Then I found some other stuff that's in On Demand!! Neato!!

Now, the sandwiches are made, the breads been cut, and Howie's lunch and coffee are done...I'm hittin the hay!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can someone PLEASE

Make the hockey go away!!!!! Honestly! Also, can someone explain to me how playoffs include EVERYONE?!?!?! Were the rest of the games just practice games!??!?! That makes NO sense!!! In other sports only the top teams are taken to play offs....not the WHOLE league!!!! If I survive this "playoff" season...I'll be lucky!!! In fact, I think we even watched hockey while I was in labour with DJ....IN JUNE!!!!!! Put me in touch with Lord Stanley and we'll get this turned around! :)

This morning went smoothly! Which was a good thing as we had a play date with our hair dresser and her two kids! The girls are one day apart in age...with Aliya being the older one. And while Travis is 8 he still has fun playing with DJ! I don't know who had more fun...them or me!! Just chatting with Anneke was wonderful! In fact, before we knew it, 2 hours had passed!! So we headed home just before 1 to have lunch and get Sam down for her nap!

While she was napping, I did some Avon stuff and then DJ and I headed outside to plant my pansies! The ones I bought 10 days ago...they weren't liking the garage much...and I'm praying the cold chill is over! I was out there for an hour! While we were out Kristopher (and his family) came's Kristopher's 4th birthday today!! DJ couldn't have been more excited...not about the birthday, but about Kristopher being home and playing outside! I got Sam up about 20 after 4 and brought her out with me as I wasn't quite done....she was THRILLED with this decision!!

Howie came home from work and immediately came in to watch hockey...she didn't want to come in. I had a nice chat with Lara and she played with the boys....and checked out their tree swing...I saw the time (5) and needed to get her inside so I could make dinner. DJ stole her swing and she came crying to me...fell down a couple times and was the dirtiest I've EVER seen her! I picked her up and walked, she did NOT like my decision! Miserable she was!

I got dinner going and the dishwasher loaded....DJ came in about 5:30 and then went back out 10 minutes later as he saw Kristopher still out there....he came back on his own just before dinner was on the table.

The kids both got bathed tonite and headed to bed exhausted!!!! Once I got Sam to finally lay down, I went to check on DJ who was soundly asleep! Sam didn't talk to herself like normal and was asleep quickly! Perfect!!!!

Howie was watching hockey so I putzed on the computer before AI came on.....Can I just say how disappointed I am that Katie went home tonite instead of Tim!!!! Seriously!??!?! She has way more talent in her pinky than Tim could ever hope for!!!!!! Unreal! I thought it would have been ironic if Michael got voted off the very next week after being saved by the judges...maybe it was just

Now, I'm done watching tv...Ugly Betty had me in tears with their final episode!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

GLEE is BACK!!!!!!!

Today was bearable as I knew Glee was coming back tonite after AI!!!

And I only woke up once last nite...this is progress!! Not because of dry mouth either as I discovered at 5:35 that I was breathing out of one nostril!!! YAY!!!! All day tho, they've been playing tennis or something!!!! Right now, I'm plugged in both and hoping that will change when I go to bed. No, the thing that woke me was a 3 y/o boy (soon to be 4!) clinging to me and stealin my pillow!! Then I saw the bathroom light come on and rolled said 3 y/o over to his daddy's side and instantly fell back to sleep as I didn't even feel Howie kiss me good bye...but if he forgets to....I know!!!!!!

DJ got up just before 7:30 and was in and out and in and out! But he didn't go into SamSam's room til I gave him permission! Its not pretty when she gets woken up...its best to let her wake on her own! Kinda like her Mum! (right mom and dad??)

This morning was another low key one! Just the 3 of us hanging out!!!! They're so funny together when they're in a good mood! For the most part, today was a funny day!! No one gets SamSam laughing in hysterics like DJ does!!! Since birth they've been like that! Just watching them today was awesome...they do have a great bond! I hope it stays that way!!! You can change friends, but family is family!

This afternoon while Sam was snoozing DJ and spent time together...and then he watched me workout...didn't have the tv on just watched me....while continuously spinning the office chair downstairs....I seriously thought he was going to wretch from doing it so much! He didn't...which is good!

Once Howie was home it became chaotic!!! But a good chaos!! I must say tho...I'm SOOOOOO not enjoying the terrible 3's!!!!! I'm really hoping they turn into fabulous 4's!!!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!

As soon as the kids were in bed we watched AI....Their renditions of Elvis did NOT blow me away by any means!!!! And the fact that there's 2 of them going home has me jumping for joy!! My 2 to go home...Andrew and Tim....but I don't think Tim will get voted thanks to Simon's an alternate, I'd choose Siobhan...but that's just my .02

And, what else can I say!?!?!? Freaking awesome!!!! The video at the end of Sue Sylvester doing Madonna's Vogue song had me in stitches!!!! I caught the subtle changes in the song that reflected her...laughed even harder!!! GREAT show!!!!

On that note (pun intended) I'm calling it a nite earlier than most...

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Monday, April 12, 2010

I think I'm more

Stuffed up than a teddy bear!! This head cold is truly getting the best of me!!

I woke up at 5:35 rather suddenly as my mouth was so beyond dry!!! AND I had water on my night table too! I think tho, the cats had more of it than I did! While drinking the water it dawned on me that I left both doors in the child lock once I got done in the bathroom (HAD to pee!) I called Howie to see if he was on his way home or not...he was so I quickly ran out to unlock the child lock part. Little did I know (we kept gettin cut off) he was not far from home!! Whew!

In fact he was so close to home, I hadn't fallen back to sleep yet!

About what felt like 5 minutes later, but it was an hour later, DJ came in! I was just too tired to chase him back to his own bed I let him crawl in with me on my side....y'know, just to make it more miserable for myself! Won't make that mistake again! DJ got up just before 7:30 and headed out to the living room to watch tv...which didn't last long as he heard SamSam and went into her room to torture her as she's still "trapped" in her crib and at his mercy...which got me up out of bed so as to not wake Howie up!

After breakfast we were relaxing and keeping quiet when DJ saw Kristopher outside....he VERY quickly got himself dressed to go out! I can't thank Kristopher enough for being outside! The noise factor went down exponentially!! And of course SamSam loves playing by herself!

Howie got up about noon thirty and we did lunch! Once Samantha was napping DJ went back outside, I got busy with more laundry and Howie busied himself on the computer. Kinda nice!

Dinner was yummy!! I love Howie's bbq burgers!! And I finally tried mine with lettuce instead of a bun last week and thoroughly enjoyed it again this week! Gotta cut those calories somehow! I didn't get a workout in today...or the past two days...the violent sneezing and constant nose blowing are draining enough! Sometimes I even have to sit just to stop the spinning!

Now, I'm watching DWTS and enjoying it!! Jake Pavelka got all my votes again! He's doing VERY well for a commoner! There's also been quite a few moments of hilarity too! Still too early for me to call a winner...

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!


Today started off miserably for seems my "stuffy nose" is a full blown cold!! I was waking up every 2 hours to moisten my mouth which was bone dry from breathing while sleeping....kinda sorta important...I think tonite I'll keep some water on my night I now have both sides stuffed....the menthol inhaler works for a couple minutes but that's it. And before you suggest the Neti Pot...I saw what one does and how its supposed to work....I'm sorry that's just not for me!!! Water up my nose is what I don't like about swimming....

Around 11 I told Howie I was going to lie down as I was feeling awful...and I slept for 2 hours (this is how I know it takes 2 hours to get a dry mouth) and it was wonderful!!! I didn't hear the kids but the one time they knocked on the door Howie told me to was much needed!! I did have the cats, but they kept to themselves!

Once lunch was done (the kids were just finishing up theirs) I got ready to head out to the salon I deal with and drop off more Avon stuff and show off some samples! Remind me next time to go just before closing...I sat there for well over an hour as customers just kept coming!!! OY!! lol Good for them, but man what a long wait!

Once home I found Howie and Jake watching tv...SamSam still napping...and DJ outside playing! Perfect! Jake stayed for supper and even tho we ran out of propane, it was still good! The kids REALLY enjoyed having their big brother around....they needed that!

After dinner Howie got ready for work...something boiler related and he has to do one graveyard shift...which really messes with the internal clock! I do hope tomorrow afternoon is nice so he can work outside!

He was working outside before I left and had asked me to step out he wanted to show me something....he discovered Raspberry bushes growing in the back...amongst all the blackberry bushes! Now, you have no clue how much I love raspberries...but O M G....I LOVE raspberries!!! And so far, its the only jam DJ will, I won't have to go buy them, I'll just have to pick them!!!!! We're still getting rid of the blackberries that are creeping onto our property from the one behind us...and I'll still be able to pick from we're set!!! Just need my blueberry bushes to get bigger!!! AWESOME find!!!!

Once the kids were in bed, which was relatively easy on my own actually....I sat down to watch Celebrity Apprentice...and not at all sad to see Selita get fired! The commercials they shot were funny...both of them! I have yet to see them on real tv tho. After that I watched Amazing Race (Thank you maker of DVR!) and then Brothers & Sisters....which had me LOL'ing several times!!!

Now, I'm heading to bed! The kids will be up too soon and the nap euphoria has worn off!

Til next time...pray for safety of all troops!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm sad to report

That I really am sick!! Not just a stuffed up nose either!!! The sneezing has joined me...big powerful know the kind....that if I was pregnant I'd be peeing myself (Thank you Lord there isn't another for me!) and then Howie would be laughing at me!! Whew!

Last nite was beyond miserable!!!! After enjoying such a great movie I went and got ready for bed....climbed in and immediately climbed out!!!! All I could smell was cat pee....then I looked down and it was all over the sheets too!! BLECH!!! I put on a nightshirt (yes I know what that means!) and came out to sleep on the couch...which was NOT fun!!! First of all, the glow of the monitor was brutal!!! So I shut it off. Then the light under the microwave was on, so I turned it down to low. The light from a neighbour in back of us has a "street light" and it was glaring right in my eyes as I was laying closed the blinds. The light from the cable box displaying the time was I put something over it. It was 3 by the time I got settled....and waited for sleep to claim me. At some point I woke up in pain so I rolled over...which meant my good ear was exposed...and the cats were scratching to get into our room!!

Next thing I know, Howie's waking me up asking why I'm on the couch. I give him the abbreviated version and he sent me to sleep with DJ in our bed on his side.

Funny story....About 4:30 DJ came into our room wanting to sleep with us. He's too smart for his own good and went to Howie's side this time, who NEVER walks him back to his own bed just hauls him over his body and puts him between us. So DJ gets in place and asks:

"Dad, where's Mum?"

What do you mean? She's not there??"

"No dad!"

"Well maybe she fell asleep in the living room watching tv...or maybe she's in the bathroom....Now go back to sleep"

"Ok Dad" I crawl into bed on his side and all I can smell is the ammonia...A half hour of laying there trying to breathe and I realize that DJ's bed is empty...grab my pillow and head to his's now 6:30!

DJ came in to find me at 8:15....lovely!!! Then about 8:30 he comes back in and says Sam's awake and screaming...sure enough, she is! I get her out of bed and crawl back into DJ's bed. One by one they come join me to "read" a book to me....I finally got up just before nine as Howie was on his way home from fishing.

Then I had Avon to deliver....which I got to do kidless this time! Kinda nice!!! I got home at 5:30 and was greeted well by the kids!!! Howie then took off to get his fishing license for the year....which if you didn't know, Fred Meyer sells them!

I fed the kids, and waited for Howie...who said for me to eat without him...good thing too, as I was starving!!!

Once the kids were in bed we watched our free movie for the month and I want my money back! We chose "The Invention of Lying"...which had a great cast...but just kinda blah in story line! *sigh* oh well! It WAS free!!! Howie went to bed an hour into it!!!

Then I watched High School Musical 3...yes, I'm a geek!!! I love those kinds of musical movies!! And they're clean cut movies too! Now, I'm blogging after putting DJ back in bed after a potty break and then hitting the hay for some solid sleep!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all troops!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thoughts of the day

Woke up in a most wonderful way......... ;)

Sent Howie off to work and got started on house stuff

SamSam took a nap

So DJ and I "rested" on the couch

Which means I sorta half-assed napped

He didn't!

Put the dishes away before Sam woke up

Just in time too!!!!

Worked on laundry

Walked on the treadmill (day 5 and my thighs, calves and ankles are feeling it!)

Made breakfast for dinner

Kids totally LOVE waffles!!!

After dinner was bath time

Naked DJ (he calls himself that too!) saw Kristopher outside

He dressed himself to go out

Underwear inside out but on the right way

Pants on perfectly

Shirt on inside out AND backwards

Redressed him while SamSam was having fun turning the faucet on and off

Sent him out

Let SamSam play in the water to her heart's content

Howie came home just before she went down

DJ was still out and enjoying the bonfire two houses away

Yes, I could see him....til it got too dark

Once Sam was settled I went over to get him

He was TOTALLY entranced by the fire

Almost like he was hypnotized by the flames

It was nice and warm by the fire

Introduced myself to Matteo's dad (at least I think he is/was)

Brought up the garbage/recycle/yard waste bins!

DJ got his pj's on

Daddy put him to bed

He came back out to make sure he got his checkmarks for the day (Its working!!!!)

Howie and I watched some tv...Oprah!

She had Kenny Chesney on

And the guys from Buried Life (really interesting concept!)

Howie went to bed

I watched two shows on the DVR (The Good Wife and Miami Trauma [hooked me in!])

Then watched another thing in DVR

A movie

Thought to myself "I'll only watch half of it"

Totally didn't happen that way!!!

Watched it all, hence the spaced out short post

LOVED the actor in Cutting Edge 4 (yes FOUR) Fire & Ice

Took me back to my childhood days of wanting to be a REAL skater!

Laughed and cried

Great movie!

Now I'm off to bed

Til next time...pray for safety of all troops!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

SAHHHHWEEEEET its Friday!!!!!!!!!! Even tho I'm not out in the real working world...I love the weekends to spend time as a family!!!! The kids love it and I love it!!! Just about every morning DJ comes out the living room calling out for his dad...and sometimes he'll come back to me all heartbroken that he's not there!!! Its cute!

Once again I'm not prepared as it was only tonite while getting Howie's coffee ready for the morning it dawned on me that its Friday tomorrow!!!! AHHH ya go...I know you were worried I'd bail on ya....nah, not me!!!

I guess the fun fact for this Friday is....I LOVE salt!!!! Not on absolutely everything...but most times I prefer salt! And I love salty snacks...chocolate is for special times of the month ifyouknowwhatImean....but give me salt any day and I'm happy! I don't cook with it as Howie doesn't like I salt my own plate and everyone's happy! Thanks to my dad, I even put it on fruit....grapefruit and watermelon (not now, but in the past) YUM!!!! Cucumbers especially MUST have salt unless they're in a salad....

Now, its your turn...either comment or leave me a question you're just dying to ask!!!

Til next time...pray for safety for all the troops!

This morning when DJ got up

He immediately came running back to the bedroom to tell me "there's SNOW on the ground Mummy!"

My words were "Oh really?? Is there a lot??" and my thoughts were "oh crap!" and "he'll finally get to use his winter gear!"

Thankfully there was only an inch to show on the railing of the back deck...and the sun was starting to peek out for the morning! By noon it was all melted away! But DJ sure had fun playing outside in it!

In fact....he ate his breakfast SUPER fast as Kristopher was already outside playing in it!! Amazing how that temptation lured him in!

Sam wasn't at all bothered by DJ going out to play...she would look out the window and say "Noooo" her version of snow, and then happily go back to playing by herself...her socks became mittens and on she played!

Around noon DJ came in as Kristopher had gone in to his house...his boots however stayed outside as he was one big walking mud kid!!! He also went thru 3 pr of mittens/gloves in the first 10 minutes as he didn't like how his hands were getting wet....not sure he understands exactly what snow

Once Sam was down for her nap, he and I had a good time. Whenever he was sitting quietly I'd run over to him from whatever I was doing and lay my head in his lap....oh he thought this was so funny!!!!! He even started calling me over to come lay in his lap!...til he started pulling my hair...that was the last time of the day!

Once Howie got home from work I did my walk on the treadmill...even did 2 spurts of 2 mins of running at 4 mph...thank God there's no paparazzi at my house!! They'd laugh me out of town!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO not a runner!!!! But I've spoken with a friend who's also a personal trainer and with my hernia, walking and jogging are really my only options until its fixed. Which I don't see happening any time soon....I'd love to...but I'm still picking SamSam up too often and she's close to 30 lbs!!! Hopefully next year!

After dinner I grabbed a shower and when I came out, Howie had already put DJ in bed and was rocking Samantha....I took her and rocked her in her room and put her to bed! Easiest nite!! Then we sat down and watched a Blue Collar Comedy tour program that Howie dvr'd last weekend....oh those guys crack me UP!!!!! We were both rolling!!!! Laughter is good for the soul!!!!

Now, I'm all caught up on Survivor (damn I want Russell GONE!!!!!!!) and the Mentalist (fab show!) and I'm soon to bed!

Til next time...pray for safety for all the troops!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I really hate when

I plan a day and DJ ruins it with his stubbornness!!!!! He definitely gets that from his Poppa!!!! My dad is the most stubborn person I know!!! I got it from him too! :)

Today I was hoping to reconnect with the Mommy & Me play group...its been 3 weeks!!! The activity for today was to go to Flower World in Snohomish...which is funny as a friend was just telling me about this place last week!! So when I saw it on the calendar for today I was all over it!!

DJ slept til we all did! Kinda nice!!!! So I got started on breakfast as quick as possible....and told DJ what I wanted to do today, and he was excited. But....his strawberries were cold not room temp....and his banana bread was bread....not a "cupcake" (muffin) and he didn't like all this change!! I kept reminding him that he needed to finish eating and needed to be dressed by 10!! Yeah, didn't happen! It wasn't til 10:30 he got done! Over an hour!!!! That's just insane!!! THEN he wanted lunch at 11:30!! huh??

Once Sam was down for her nap (I'm following Howie's style for getting her to go to her room!) and once she was asleep DJ and I hung was raining (AGAIN!) and we saw neither hide nor hair of Kristopher! I really wanted a nap...but it didn't happen!! DJ kept telling me to go work out on the treadmill...(Who's paying this kid?!?!?!) and I had stuff to do make the sketti sauce, put dishes away, do laundry....that kind of stuff!

Plus, I brought out the Mickey Mouse chore chart thing I've had for a while....DJ was SOOOO excited to get check marks for doing stuff! I have to say he was even more willing to do stuff, like put his toys away and feed the dog, knowing there's a pay off! There's 16 things he could get a check mark for....and some of them are not we're thinking of paying a nickel for every check mark and then he can understand what earning money is about and I get all the toys picked up every day!!!! Not a bad trade off eh??

Before dinner, once Howie was home, I went and worked out...which DJ was happy to come enforce me!!! Speaking of the treadmill, Miss Samantha got her foot smooshed somehow on it this morning. She got the last two toes on her right blood, but there's some awful bruising there! She's not complaining about it when she can't see it...but the moment she sees it she's all "ow, ow, ow" She's so visual sometimes!

After dinner I bathed both kids and got them ready for bed! We did the divide and conquer method....Howie took DJ and I took SamSam...worked out perfectly and we had both kids in bed in 10 minutes! Perfect!!! Howie kept working on the iTunes thing...we're muddling thru it! I watched tv with a cat on my lap! Thanks to my friend Joanne, she alerted me to the cast of Glee on I recorded it and watched AI....WOW!!!! Thanks to some ignorant people on twitter, I already knew who was voted off, then saved....but still to see Big Mike in the bottom three was just wrong! Does this mean that 2 go home next week??? I forget how the save works!

Now, I'm done blogging and going to bed! There's another thing at the library we'll see how the morning goes.....OY!

Til next time...pray for safety for all the troops!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

NOW it's personal

Since the start of the war with Iraq in 2003, I've not been associated wit it...yes, I've read accounts of it...known online friends who's husbands did tour(s), but never had it been personal.

NOW it's personal!! My cousin Jeff is deploying tomorrow (today if you're reading this on the 7th) and we're hoping he'll be home late fall!! That is of course, if they don't extend his tour...which they're known to do. Please keep his safety in your prayers! I'd be much obliged!

I woke up to an email from my Aunt but it was written by my hit me! The reality of it all just hit me!! I was off and on crying all morning!! So we didn't go finish the grocery shopping....we just stayed in and played....well they played til I got very upset by DJ opening a toy that I'd put on the top shelf was a gift for someone else...he destroyed the box! Then went downstairs and he'd also gotten the mega blocks down...again from the top shelf...and they were EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I hate those things! They're lego 1000 times bigger....and spread out EVERYWHERE!!!! I was NOT happy! They both got sent upstairs.

Lunch was DJ's fave!! I got some raspberry jam (he ate all the homemade stuff!) for DJ while at Fred Meyer's yesterday so he was thrilled to have it today for lunch! Kept thanking me for the jam all thru eating! Cute!

Once Sam went down for her nap, DJ spied Kristopher outside getting his shoes he quickly went pee, and got ready to head out himself! As soon as he was outside playing I laid down on the couch. DJ had me up 15 minutes after I'd gone to bed....which is most unpleasant! Takes me longer to fall asleep after that kind of waking....maybe that's just me...

Next thing I knew, DJ AND Kristopher were in the house! I didn't even hear them come in!! They went down to play and I got ready to workout (day 2)...Sam was still sleeping and Howie was due home soon. Perfect timing! I upped my speed today by 3 tenths of a mile...might not sound like a lot, but my thighs beg to differ!!!! Hot damn! I did manage to have a phone conversation in the last 5 minutes, so I know I'm walking at a good speed and can still talk! I don't think I was huffin and puffing....was I Wyndi?? lol

I grabbed a shower before dinner as I wanted to finish off the groceries before the sales were up. Worked rather well too! And Howie now has a full tank to run on!!! I scored BIG TIME at Albertsons!!!! All their candy was 50% off....and their Easter goodies (non-candy) was 75% off! I didn't get candy as I know I'll be eating it and that defeats my working I got their pre-made Easter baskets super CHEAP!! Like 1.50 and 2.00 cheap! I dismantled them and put all the toys in the hall closet for future b-day gifts for when DJ or Sam are invited....awesome!!!

Now, I'm gonna go watch AI as my wonderful husband dvr'd it for me!!! I got home shortly after 9 and it was right in the middle of Tim's performance (please God, send him home!!!) so I still have 5 more to watch prior to that. From the rundown at the end, I see Andrew and Tim in the bottom two...

Til next time...ciao!

Day 1...accomplished!

Today was a good day...all around!!

The kids got up relatively early....ate rather quickly compared to some mornings...and we were out the door by 10:20!! Only 20 mins later than I wanted to be...ah well! Such is life with kids!

Our first stop was costco....which was quick and easy really. AND I found this AMAZING Sesame dressing to make Oriental salad with...the kids LOVED it too!! Now, I don't have to buy the salad kit at the grocery store...I can make my own!! YUM!!! As we were leaving we got a berry smoothie and a twisted churro to share...I love the smoothie!! And 1.45 is a hard price to beat!

Our second stop was Fred Meyer. Before we did anything tho we stopped at the bathroom for everyone to do their business...well, I did Sam's for her and DJ didn't have to go.

As we're in there DJ says rather loudly to me "Mum, its Kristopher (which as I've figured out he's saying Quistopher) can I go see him"

And I reply "keep your voice's NOT Kristopher"

He then squats down to see under the stall wall and I freak out in a whisper telling him "NEVER do that again!!!!"

I'm washing my hands and what is he doing? Looking under another bathroom stall door...telling me "Mum, it really is Kristopher!!"

I shush him and quickly leave!! Today was the first day Samantha got to go in Play Land...the child could NOT get out of my arms fast enough!! She barely even kissed me good bye!! They were both excited to go in there! I had a whole hour to go shopping BY MYSELF!!!!

I turn around from getting my bracelet and who do I see??

KRISTOPHER!!!!!! He really was in the bathroom...with his sister. All I could do was shake my head and off I went shopping. I have to say, it was SO nice not to have a screaming/crying/reaching child in the cart!! I think ALL grocery stores should have a Play Land!! Honestly!!!

Eventually I did run into Lara down one of the aisles...we chatted for a bit but I didn't want to waste my precious shopping time! While I was waiting in line I peeked in on the kids and saw Samantha was having a grand old time! Perfect! They were both happy to see me too!

We headed home then as it was almost 2 and we still hadn't eaten a lunch! I didn't even put away all the groceries so I could get lunch done! It wasn't til 3 that she went down...rather late! DJ was outside playing so he was happy! It started doing the torrential downpour thing and the kids went in next door...but not for long.

I'd just started my workout (Day 1) on the treadmill when they came in to play in our play room!So I surrendered the tv to them and just kept on walking! I only did 25 mins today...but still managed to get in a mile! Man, my legs were like JELLY after that! Howie came home, came upstairs after greeting the boys and asked where his girls were....I could barely answer him! Then he came in the kitchen and spread his arms wide for a hug...It took a lot of effort to get up off the stool and walk over to him! Whew!! About an hour later I started feeling better!!

Dinner was something new...chicken/spinach/feta/garlic meatballs....something Wyndi turned us on to and I FINALLY found at costco....its in a refrigerator case...not a frozen one! At least I finally found them! The kids ate them first! Well not DJ...he ate his broccoli first...he LOVES broccoli!!!

After dinner it was bath time for the kids...that went swimmingly! :D And then bed time for them!! LOVE this time of nite!! Altho, with SamSam not nursing anymore we're trying to find he right routine for her....and cut out that last sippy cup she's come to love before bed. She asks for "Beeee" once in a while and I tell her they're broken as she understands that concept. Seems to work and she stops bugging about it! She's also stopped trying to lift my shirt up!

Tonite's viewing pleasure was DWTS and I have to say, Jake Pavelka is doing great for a civilian with no training in dance! BUT, and here's where it gets tricky....the women have it SO much harder than guys to learn these dances! Kate Gosselin SHOULD be voted off....but props to her for trying! She's still so very stiff and not connected to the dance at all! She's hard to watch! Most times it looks like she's walking thru the steps instead of dancing them...just my opinion

Til next time...ciao!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

Today started with a GORGEOUS morning! After yesterday's wacky weather I wasn't sure what to expect really! But the day started with lots of sunshine!!

It also started early!!! DJ woke up just before 8 and came out to find Howie...and spotted some eggs!! Oh he was raring to go then!!! We haven't really talked up the whole Easter bunny thing...but he's been watching the Easter Beagle in Charlie Brown we let him keep on thinking that's what happened.

Howie stopped DJ at two eggs and told him to wait til Sam and I got up...we beauties need our sleep y'know!! Once Samantha found her first one she caught on!!! We only coached a little bit...I only did up 14 eggs...and when they discovered there was candy inside...they went even quicker!!!

They were each thrilled with their baskets too! More about the pail and shovel than anything else in it! As I knew they would be!!

Our goal (maybe just mine) was to be out of the house by 9...yeah, didn't quite happen...we didn't leave our house til 9:30something...but we were only 15 mins late in the grand scheme of things...and we beat Jake who had the SHORTEST distance to go!!! It worked out well tho as my SIL had hidden eggs for the kids...the nice tiny ones I couldn't they had even more fun finding them since they understood it all!

Brunch was FULL of yummy stuff!!! Due to poor communication with my SIL we ended up with THREE (3) hashbrown casseroles!!! She made hers with cream of chicken soup and hashbrown squares....I did mine with cream of mushroom and shredded hashbrowns...they were both GOOD!!!! Her's was nice and gooey/runny and mine was tight like a casserole...but just YUM!!! Howie even said I'm to make this a little more often! We had eggs, bacon, fruit cut up, delicious cinnamon buns, banana muffins (from yours truly) and juice/milk....we ate well!

After eating we visited for a while and the kids got into their bubble stash that they got from their Aunt and Uncle...they each got sidewalk chalk and Sam got a t-shirt that says "One cute chick" soooooooo perfect!!

A little later on my FIL opened his presents as today is his birthday! We got him a new license plate frame that has ALL the grandkids' names on it...we'd given him one after DJ was born as we thought we were done having kids.......didn't work out quite like that now did it?

Around 1 we headed home to make nap time happen for Sam...she was soooooooo due for one too!! She started throwing those tired off she went as soon as we got home! While she was sleeping I did up the grocery list and Howie dismantled the treadmill to bring it in the house. Then we had to call on our neighbour to use his muscles (Thanks Mike) as I couldn't possibly be of any help whatsoever!! Having a hernia sux...but this sucker was a motherbitch to pick up!!! Horrid heavy!

Sam got up shortly after 4 and it was my job to keep the kids away from Howie while he reassembled the treadmill and swapped out the outlet for a new one that the treadmill would plug into!

After dinner the kids watched Easter Beagle again and then went straight to bed without much fuss! Grateful for that! Howie and I watched a new show "Minute to Win It" which is just insane really! The things people will do for money.....

Now, I'm all Amazing Race/Celebrity Apprentice'd out....and going to bed early for a change!!!!

Til next time...ciao!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

It all began

One year ago today!!!

Happy blogiversary to me!!

Happy blogiversary to me!!!!

Happy blogiversary dear readers!!!!!

Happy blogiversary to meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did it!!!! One full year of blogging!!!!!!! And I didn't miss one day!!

I have to say....I've also become addicted to it...just a little bit! I simply can't imagine going to bed without blogging....sad eh?? I do love to evidenced by all the posts!

Today for my blogiversary present, I got to go shopping ALONE!!!! :D Samantha was napping....DJ was outside playing....Howie was downloading I took off! Fred Meyer's ads end on Saturday and we needed some stuff they had on I was in line to make a hashbrown casserole for tomorrow's brunch and didn't have half the stuff I needed for it. Then I made a side trip to the dollar store to stock back up on candy for the kids eggs. I had to restrain myself too...I only made up 14 eggs and each one has 2 things in it. They're strategically placed all over the living room...with one each in their high chairs! This the first time hiding eggs for my own kids...kinda fun!!! *hop hop*

Believe it or not...I didn't stop and see my boyfriend Ben...not sure why either!!! I did drive right by him!!! I think I was a little frazzled from my trip to Freddy' was it C R A Z Y there!!!! I'd forgotten how panicked people get when its Easter and they need to buy the entire meal the day before!!! I have witnessed this mostly from the other side of the cash register...but today, I was the customer....I'll try not to do that again!!! Whew!

Tonite we had a loaned DVD by our neighbours (thanks Lara and Mike!) so we watched it once the kids were in bed. Sherlock Holmes! Wasn't quite what I was expecting, but good nonetheless. Of course you easily see how it will become a sequel at some point down the line! I do enjoy Robert Downey Jr....he's a fine actor! I'm not a fan of "dark" that the entire background is done in greys or blacks...makes it hard to see detail in the movie! And, I'm disappointed that "Elementary my dear Watson" wasn't uttered once!! Not once!!! tsk tsk! lol

Now, the last of the banana bread muffins are in the oven baking and I must go to bed as the kids will be up early and we have to get up with them to watch the egg hunt! Oh, instead of doing baskets....I did pails and shovels!! The whole basket idea is lame in my opinion!! What can or will they do with it after? And do I really want to "store" it over the year?? No! With a pail and shovel they'll get to play with it after! Also, instead of a bunny I did a Valentine apple that has gummy worms in it...they won't know the difference and no where on it does it say Happy Valentines! Hee hee hee! DJ got chalk and Sam got hair bands and a stuffed bunny.

Ok...muffins are out....g'nite!

Til next time...ciao!

P.S....I'm toying with the idea of changing my sign off...what are your thoughts??

Like Condensed Soup

My post shall be the same.

Rather boring day today

just perfect too!

the morning was spent fighting amongst the natives

the afternoon resting

after nap DJ got to expel his energy outside

came in SOAKED from playing in the mud

ate dinner in his undies

gave both of them a much needed bath

instead of reading a book we watched the Easter Beagle

Samantha was super cute going to bed

she sat in her crib listening to music

fell over asleep

woke briefly for me to cover her

now THAT'S what I call sleeping like a baby

Howie went to a "going away" party for a co-worker

I tried to warm the house up with baking

made peanut butter button cookies

and then made banana bread

worked perfectly!

I was nice and toasty warm

watched a couple things on dvr

I'll even admit

I watched Princess Diaries 2

I'm a sucker for Disney movies

Now, I'm going to bed


Til next time...ciao!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Fun Fact Friday

It's Good Friday for in the States its not a mandatory holiday....sad really! Neither is Easter Monday...its just Monday!

In any IS Friday!!!

I haven't really thought much on what my fun fact off the top of my head....

As I sit here sipping one...I LOVE Chai tea!!!! Even flavoured Chai is pretty good!! Most places add water, so I've learned to ask for one without it and its just that much stronger and better!!

On the flipside...I don't drink coffee!!! Love the smell of the beans...and when its brewing...but that taste is just awful!! BLECH!!!

So, what's your favourite hot beverage??

Til next time...ciao!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

No Foolin'

Man, I got had today!!!! By a g/f in twitter....she actually got 3 of us with one tweet...little brat! I can say that, she doesn't read my blog (yet!) lol

But....I got one of my VERY loyal readers, Fiona! REALLY good too!!! :D I posted on FB that I was done, deleting it, and good bye! She bought it hook, line and sinker! Ahhh made me laugh! Thanks Fifi!

Jokes aside...Picaboo replied to my email last nite AFTER I hit submit to tell me that they were extending the deadline...would have been nice to know in EMAIL form EARLIER in the day!!!!! Insane!!!! With them, you have a half hour to cancel your order, so I did. Today, while SamSam was napping I worked on it more with a clearer head (thankfully my hormones settled over nite!) and made it absolutely perfect in my mind...hit "order" and then entered my freebie code...and NOTHING!!!!! It said I can only use that code once....but I didn't get to actually use it!!!!

I tried hitting "Submit Feedback" and it popped up windows all over the place...closed all but one, filled it out, and it wouldn't send! At this point, I'm starting to get hot under the I hit reply on the email I got last nite from them and sent the same message....NOTHING!! Its now 11:23 as I type this, and it has to be in by midnite...if I don't hear anything back from them tonite, then I'll be calling their 800 number and raising heck!!! This has been most frustrating!!

Thru it all tho, I've been referred to a couple other digital scrapbooking sites....maybe in a couple months I'll check them out...I think I need a break from it. I will say tho, I prefer it over the hand cut stuff...SOOOOOO much easier!!!

Today was a much nicer day with the kids....and DJ was extremely loving for the most part! He wanted to watch Buzz Light(year) and he got his wish...he doesn't understand that Woody is the main character...he just likes Buzz!

Samanth's vocabulary is growing leaps and bounds!! Just tonite, she tried saying cinnamon...and it came out "amon"....I know some adults who struggle with that word! Her little sentences are getting more frequent too! Its nice she's trying to express herself with words instead of screeches....we're still working on that!

DJ's cute moment for the day...he fed Snickers after dinner (who by the way, has had NO sign of any kind of sore on her I'm pretty sure its not Lupus!) and when he set the bowl down he did it like I do...made Snickers sit...then wait...then "go!" and she listened to him!!! She's such an amazing dog!!! We could not have asked for better!! No, Dad, you still can't have her!!!! :P

I'm off to watch Survivor...apparently there's a to-do with Russell and Rob...I'm on Team Rob if it comes down to it! :)

Til next time...ciao!